trying out dreamwidth (thanks to
abbylee for the free account), and i'm happy too report that i'm liking it so far. i've imported my livejournal stuff onto my dreamwidth space (journal entries, comments, icons, etc.), and everything looks as it should.
LJ entries that are friends-locked remain locked in DW, that is, they are not viewable by the public but can still be accessed by your LJ friends so long as said friends are logged in at DW using their OpenIDs. since DW is branching off from LJ codes, the two services are very much alike though with different user-experience metaphors. for example, in LJ your have a Friends List while in DW you have your Circle. same principle of access control list, but labeled differently. the two services work in the same fashion basically.
the fun part is in figuring out how to merge your existence in the two domains, assuming you are coming from LJ and do not want to leave your friends and stuff in that space. i am happy to report that the two worlds are merge-able. new entries posted via DW can be cross-posted in LJ. old LJ entries and comments can be imported to DW. friends from LJ can continue to read your locked entries in DW if you allow them access.
eventually i have to decide what to do with my LJ account. technically, i can use DW as my primary blog and just cross-post everything to LJ. DW, afterall, is the much more flexible service between the two. however this is a waste of Internet resource, and even though my data print on the interwebs is only a bleep of a byte it's still a bleep. logic says i should stick to DW, give access to my LJ friends who want to keep in touch with me via DW, and put up the "i have moved sign" in my LJ. i must admit though that even though i am not a chatty person in LJ, i feel somewhat attached to my space there. very un-Zen like.
so i'll mull over the situation for now. or maybe consult the I Ching. what do you think?