the 11th Doctor is here. since last night’s Doctor Who is only the first episode of the current season, i will stick my comments to the look and feel of this new Doctor. in other words, mababaw lang muna. the new doctor seems to be an even more kinetic version of the last one. i don’t get the appeal of grown men in bow ties, but on the new doctor the look seems to work. in bow tie and tweed, the 11th doctor looks like the stereotypical English librarian - on speed. i like it.
speaking of new look, the Tardis has been re-fitted. punkrockerboy said the new Tardis looks less organic. i agree. the interior of the Tardis which has always reminded me of the insides of a jellyfish seem to have metamorphosed into a kind of cross-wired steampunk and post-industrial. gone are the tall, curving support posts that look like petrified tree trunks. in its stead they’ve placed numerous steel staircases that seem to hold up the whole interior structure. as for the exterior of the Tardis, it is basically the same as the previous one and yet somehow brighter, cleaner and shinier. in a word, fresh. i miss the old Tardis, but i think i will eventually get into the one.
also new in the current Doctor are the logo, the opening title, and of course the companion, a character named Amelia Pond who i trust the writers is not going to be Rose version 2.0. from the quick preview of the coming episodes, i think i will like this current season of Doctor Who. if nothing else, the writers are bringing back the “Weeping Angels,” the most efficient assassins in the time lords’ known universe.