It's been an interesting day for me, online-wise. I was trilocated earlier in the evening, interflowing with different people in three different virtual spaces at the same time. Email discussion thread with colleagues from the WNSP, LJ comment exchange with
db2305, and IM chit-chat with
agarton a.k.a.
auto_scribe. Oh, and at one point I was also on the phone with Sarah (programming guru of our ragtag Sheblogs team).
My LJ comment exchange with dutchbuffy has jogged my memory bank's "to do list" on which I have "jotted" down weeks ago that I should recommend Tea at the Ford. So here, go over and visit
Tea at the Ford. I'm pretty sure my LJ friends from the buffyverse are aware of this site wherein some of the very best buffyverse fan fiction writers congregate to discuss the theory and praxis of writing in general, and of the buffyverse in particular. Actually this recommendation is really for my non-buffyverse friends who are not particularly keen on slayers name Buffy, vampires called Spike and Angel and the pop shows spun by Joss Whedon around these creatures, but who are interested in the writing process, the written word, and the concept of community of peers.
I am a lurker at Tea at the Ford, and I found my way there in my attempt to find a fix for my craving for good buffyverse fan fiction. The archived discussions around "works in progress" have been very illuminating. As someone who can not writer fiction even if my life depended on it, "listening" in on writers discuss each other's works is worth the 30 minutes a day or so of rapid online reading. Tea at the Ford is a big site, and I've only really visited the garden and it's storyteller's bench and took a gander once or twice inside the hearth. (The site is built around the metaphor of a big cottage, garden and all). The site has many creatively-named nooks and crannies, and it's best to familiarise oneself first with the
site structure before wandering off. It's a very interesting place to visit, and have tea or coffee (if this is your poison of choice) while doing so.