Iron Man

May 03, 2008 10:23

Precy and I took the boys to see Iron Man last night. It was really good. I've liked just about anything Jon Favreau does.

The Tony Stark character is very well developed and his personal growth from cynical playboy to wrong-righter works for me. None of the other characters are as developed as I'd like, but it doesn't hurt the movie, this is all about Iron Man after all. I also loved the trial and error development of the suit technology and I'm glad that Favreau took the time to let it progress on screen. Every effects scene is stunning, and no effects shot comes to mind as anything less than excellent. Every actor did an excellent job in his/her part.

Now for my complaints and they are few and minor. Robert Downey Jr seems like he's saying all of his lines in a hurry. Don't get me wrong, he's well cast, but he always struck me that way. Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't seem right for this role. I'm not saying she's miscast, I don't know if she could be miscast in anything, she's good at everything I've seen her in, but she's under utilized in this movie. I also didn't care for the main villian. Without spoiling anything, his motivations are pretty clear, but he's way too hands-on for a man in his position.

Overall, 8/10


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