Mar 23, 2007 11:59
We try to be as enviro as we are able in the house. We have energy star appliances, all of our bulbs (except some chandelier bulbs) are energy saver, and we divert a significant amount of our garbage. We fill a 2 liter bucket of compostables every day and with 6 of us in the house, we only manage to fill one garbage can every week (it'd be less if the city had a green program and we could divert our meat bones and dirty diapers). I try to be conscious of the 100 mile meal, but in Canada in winter, it ain't easy. It'll be better when gardening season is upon us. We still have a long way to go, though. Our water bill is pretty high and our gas bill was through the roof this month. I've been chasing the boys around and turning off unused lights and it's really helped our hydro bill. The windows are all original windows, and the attic needs another 6 inches of insulation. These are both expensive projects and I'm waiting until we get a bit ahead on our bills so I can afford them until then, I'll be paying through the nose in the winter months.
Right now, Jan is taking our shredded documents and practicing papermaking. She wants to make her own invites for her wedding.
house stuff