Oct 28, 2008 19:03
Well, my grandfather died yesterday at seven in the morning. I need something to wear for the funeral on Thursday.
I keep expecting to feel worse than I do, but I think he's better off this way, honestly. He was going a lot in the mind before the end and he was in pretty serious pain. We were never really close. I just remember him as a nice old guy who used to make all the grandkids sugar cookies. My dad is okay now, I think.
The hospital was hard, largely because certain people I'm related to were there that I rather would've had somewhere in Tibet or space than near me. They took out my grandfather's artifical teeth at some point, and he looked...really small. That's the best way I can describe it.
But I'm all right. I think I need a few more days to process and come up with something to add to the eulogy my father's doing. Probably not the time my grandfather walked in on me and my cousin dressing up in big girl lingerie while my cousin was singing a song about F-U-C-K-I-N-G. She was a precocious seven year old, what can I say?