Sugiyama-san talks at the speed of a bullet train, and as if he doesn't have to take a breath for 2 minutes straight >_< On top of that, the speech he uses is ultra-formal and polite >_<''' But I love his voice, so I don't mind listening to it a hundred times to catch every word that he says, ahahaha XD Still, there are so many gaps and guesses in this though... orz
Episode 1 is
Hetalia World Web Radio - Hetalila: England Side (Episode 2)
England: Hetalia World Web Radio: Hetalila~!
杉山:「はい~というわけで、皆さん、ええ、ラジオ聞きの皆さん、そして会場にお集まりの皆さん、Good afternoon~! ということで、パソナリティー、今回はイギリス役杉山紀彰が送りして参りたいと思います。そして、今回のゲストは。。。」
Sugiyama: Okay~ Everyone, eeh, all our listeners, and everyone gathered here, Good Afternoon~! I’m today’s host, England’s Sugiyama Noriaki. And the guest this time round is…
イタリア:「皆さん、Buon giorno~!」
Italy: Everyone, Buon giorno~!
(皆:「Buon giorno~!」)
Audience: Buon giorno~!
Sugiyama: Everyone’s so nice and cheerful.
Namikawa: Yes… I’m Italy’s Namikawa Daisuke, yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!
Sugiyama: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~! Yes… like this, er, well, we are continuing recording here [from the last episode], but for everyone listening in to the radioshow [online] this will be the second episode. So, Hetalia World Web Radio, in short, Hetalila, is a radioshow where the different countries will alternate being the host. This time, I, Sugiyama Noriaki will be leading the show. Right, let’s start! Hetalia World Web Radio…
SugiNami: Hetalila~!
Sugiyama: England-side, part 1: Today’s aphorism.
England: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
Sugiyama: Yes, the saying this time is a quote from Shakespeare’s play, “As you like it”. Aah, I was so nervous while doing that, not sure whether there was enough time…
Namikawa: (mumble, mumble, can’t quite make out what he’s saying…)
Sugiyama: So this time round was a little different from Italy’s, for England it is a wise saying…
Namikawa: Yes, well, the last time, doing Italy, I had to do a joke.
Sugiyama: Yes, a joke.
Namikawa: Why [do you get to do] a wise saying?
Sugiyama: Well, it’s sort of a more serious/dignified image… And Italy’s got a more cheerful/merry image…
Namikawa: Ah, I see.
Sugiyama: Right, this corner is where we would like to show each country’s different side…
Namikawa: Aah, I see, I see… hmmm, so [I/Italy gets] this kind of treatment huh.
(lol) What are you saying, Italy is the character representing the cheerfulness of Hetalia, isn’t he? Right, let’s move on without delay.
England: “From Personal Computers around the World”!
Sugiyama: Ehh, as everyone knows… this is the second time, so I think everyone will know. This is the listener’s corner. Here I would like to introduce the various mail that was sent in to England and myself. So, the first one is from radio-name Yukari-san. Thank you very much!
Namikawa: Thank you very much!
Sugiyama: She came… here… today… or… not. Right. Thank you very much.
Namikawa: Yukari-san… is not here, is she?
杉山:「はい。ええ、“パソナリティーの杉山さん、ゲストの浪川さん、Good afternoon~!”」
Sugiyama: Okay. Eeh, “To the host Sugiyama-san, and the guest Namikawa-san, Good afternoon!”
浪川:「Ciao- ごめんなさい、間違いっ」(>_<)
Namikawa: Ciao- Oops, sorry, that was a mistake! (>_<)
杉山:「浪川さん、Ciao, Ciao, Ciao って!」
Sugiyama: Namikawa-san, you keep saying “Ciao”!
浪川:「Good afternoon だったね、もう一回もう一回。」
Namikawa: It’s “Good afternoon”, right, one more time, one more time.
杉山:「はい、“皆さん、Good afternoon~!”」
Sugiyama: Okay. “Everyone, Good afternoon~!”
(皆:「Good afternoon~!」)
Audience: Good afternoon~!
Sugiyama: Thank you very much. Continuing on from just now, everyone’s so nice~! (^_^)
浪川:「ああ、こういうの僕が空気が読めないって言うんでしょうね。。。」 (皆:(爆笑))
Namikawa: Oh well, that was me being “unable to read the mood”… (Audience: ROLF)
Sugiyama: Not at all, not at all! Right, er, “Unfortunately, I was unable to get a premium ticket for the public recording, so on the day itself, I will take the night train down from
Hokuriku region to enjoy the day with everyone.” Hmm? Perhaps she’s embarrassed? Right, lastly, “I will always support the,… se…rious, won…derful, England’s Sugiyama-san.” Aah, thank you very much. It’s kind of embarrassing reading it out myself.
Namikawa: No, no, exactly right, he is always a gentleman!
Sugiyama: No, no, nothing like that.
Namikawa: It’s true, he’s naturally like that.
Sugiyama: Okay, so we will end this conversation here, yes. Er, since there’s no time, let’s quickly move on to the next one.
Namikawa: (lol) Okay.
Sugiyama: Okay, the second letter. Eeh, from radio-name Miracle Milk-san. Thank you very much!
Namikawa: Thank you very much!
Sugiyama: Yes, eeh, “I can’t help but feel that England’s eyebrows are thicker in the anime than in the manga.”
Namikawa: Uhuh.
Sugiyama: “His eyebrows certainly have something to do with his gentlemanliness or something, but to Sugiyama-san, is there anything that you have to look out for when acting out the eyebrows?”
Namikawa: Ahh, no doubt about it, the head of professional eyebrow acting is Sugiyama-san. Yes.
Sugiyama: What kind of acting is that?!
Namikawa: We definitely have to ask about this, yes.
Sugiyama: No, no, no, well, frankly, during the animation phase, the eyebrows don’t move, so you won’t know when they’ll be moving. Well, I guess, just try as much as possible to match the brow and eyebrows to the lines… (^_^’’’)
Namikawa: Please, the next time an eyebrow-only character appears, please, Sugiyama-san…
Sugiyama: [You mean] a character like a Kenmun(?)…
(T/N: I can’t make out what exactly he said, maybe
Kenmun, or maybe
Kenmu? *fail* Can anyone else understand it? orz
Namikawa: Yes, please accept the role.
杉山:「そうじゃなくて、はい。はい、ああ、わかりました。そう、さっさと行かないといけませんね。はい、ええ、そして、じゃ、次に、ああ、すみません、じゃ、じゃ、もう一つしょっ、お紹介したいと思います。ラジオネームジェーソンさんからいただきました。“皆さん、Good afternoon!”」
Sugiyama: No such thing, yes. Aah, ok, I understand (-_-). Okay, we really have to move on. Right, eeh, next, excuse me, let’s introduce one more. From radio-name Jason-san. “Everyone, Good afternoon!”
(皆:「Good afternoon~!」)
Audience: Good afternoon~!
杉山:「有難うございます。[浪川:ありがとうございます!] ええ、“先日、海外の方が集まるネットの掲示板で、ヘタリアの項目を見ていて笑ってしまいました。ドラマCD貸したときのコメントだったのですが、“イギリス役:杉山紀彰”を見た海外の方々が、くちを(?)そろえて、“イギリスは忍法が使えるの?”」(笑)
Sugiyama: Thank you very much. Eeh, “A few days ago, I read something funny on the Hetalia section of an internet forum board that’s frequented by foreigners. It was a comment related to the lending of the drama CDs, and when the foreigners saw “England’s voice actor: Sugiyama Noriaki”, they all asked, “Can England use ninja arts?” (“Does England have ninja skillz?”)” (lol)
(T/N: Sugiyama-san is the seiyuu for the character Uchiha Sasuke, a prodigy ninja, in the anime “Naruto”.)
Namikawa: Ahh, yes he can, yes he can!
Sugiyama: Er, because of certain circumstances, we don’t really want to go there…
Namikawa: Aah, we definitely want to know this… Can he use them…?
Sugiyama: Weren’t we told to just brush through this just now, Namikawa-san?! (ROFL)
Namikawa: So, can he use them…? ‘Cos, we haven’t seen him (T/N: I think here he’s already referring to Sasuke) recently…
杉山:「ああ、出てないですね。。。ああ、やばいや、それはいいでっ![皆:(爆笑)] はい!というわけで、怒られちゃいそうなので、以上、“世界のパソコンから”のコーナーでした!」
Sugiyama: Yes, well, he hasn’t appeared recently… Oops, oh no, okay that’s it! Yes! So, since it seems like we’re going to get yelled at soon, that’s it for the “From Personal Computers around the World” corner!”
Sugiyama: Okay, continuing next is “Travelling around the World”! Eeh, this is the corner where we accept and introduce mail about your holiday memories and trivia about different countries, etc. This time is the England Special. Right, so let’s get on with it. Eeh, from radio-name Shy Rock(?)-san. Thank you very much!
Namikawa: Thank you very much!
Sugiyama: Eeh, “The point about England’s food tasting horrible has even been used as [joke] material for Hetalia. With regards to this generalisation, a survey was done on “What kind of dishes to you usually cook?”, and it seems that the repertoire of 98% of households consist of no more than six dishes.”
Namikawa: Oh?
Sugiyama: “The reasons given include, “[Other dishes] don’t fit the family’s tastes”, “It’s too troublesome [to make more dishes]”, or “I don’t know how to cook [other dishes]”. Can Sugiyama-san cook? If there are any dishes that you are good at making, or any dishes that you like, please tell me.” Since I’ve been on this program, everyone keeps telling me how England’s food tastes terrible, so I went to find out what delicacies there are [in England]. There are [delicacies in England]! Roast beef, for one. Roast beef originated in England. And then there’s also scones, and meat pies…
Namikawa: Oooh…
Sugiyama: Yes, well, all these seem like very rich foods. I laughed a little while reading the section on roast beef. While researching, I found a possible hypothesis [on the origin of roast beef]. Steak also seems to be an English dish. Except, the French people at that time, when they saw it, said “You just scorched it a little, that’s not cooking!” So the English people snapped back, “Fine!! We’ll SHOW you what cooking meat IS!!” And so the theory is that cooking the steak in a more delectable way resulted in roast beef. “Aah, there’s also this possibility…” I thought [while reading]…
Namikawa: Wow…!
Sugiyama: Yes, you could really see the pride of the England(?) here. Maybe even since that time, he’s been thinking “THAT BASTARD FRANCE!!” (lol)
Namikawa: I see~!
Sugiyama: Yes.
浪川:「これがラジオ番組ですよ。」 (皆:(爆笑))
Namikawa: THIS is what you call a RADIO-SHOW. (Audience: ROFL)
Sugiyama: (lol) It’s okay, the last time was also a radio-show.
Namikawa: Really?
Sugiyama: Of course.
Namikawa: Well, while I was reading this mail, I was just thinking, “It’s too troublesome” and “I don’t know how to cook it” are not reasonable arguments!
Sugiyama: No, no, no, well, actually, while researching, I found that there are a lot of comments from foreigners about England’s food being bland, or even tasteless. In response to this, it seems that the English people do have an explanation. Basically, since there are countless different likes in tastes, the food is just served like that, and the diner can season his food to his own liking. That’s why, it was written, that when foreigners eat it, the food seems very bland. (T/N: Note strategic ending of background music… XD)
Sugiyama: Er, you don’t have to applause…
浪川:「これがラジオだよ!(深感動) [皆:(爆笑))] 皆釘付け!俺多分今ね、一旦禿げでもわっかんなかったと思うよ。」
Namikawa: THIS IS RADIO! (deep admiration) (Audience: ROFL) Everyone’s captivated! Probably, even if I go bald now, no one will know.
Sugiyama: Of course not, of course not! Everyone’s looking at Namikawa-san!
Namikawa: No, no…
Sugiyama: No problem, yes.
Namikawa: I see! Thank you very much [for the explanation]! Wasn’t that amazing?
Sugiyama: Yes, well, there are many various things like these. Talking about delicacies, Italy’s food is really perfect/balanced/enriching.
Namikawa: Yes, it is.
Sugiyama: Yes. They have the “If you have the time to wage war, why don’t you [use the time to] cook up some delicious dishes instead?” kind of cheery national character, well, that sort of image.
Namikawa: Yes, yes. It seems that yesterday, episodes 1 to 5 were broadcasted here, and I heard that Italians watched it too!
Sugiyama: Yes, that seems to be the case. Italians too.
Namikawa: Seems that they found it interesting.
Sugiyama: Yes.
Namikawa: Thank goodness!
Sugiyama: Yes, we’re really glad that they found it funny/hilarious.
Namikawa: Yes, really glad. And do we hope that the English get mad at us too?
Sugiyama: Yes, what should we do if we were told, “Wait a minute, England is not like that!” (lol) Right, that’s all for “Travelling around the World: England Special”!
Sugiyama: Okay. Really sorry that it’s been so rushed. The time has come to part with “Hetalila: England-side”. Very sorry. Right! Here is an announcement from the program. “Hetalila is now accepting mail from everyone! Messages to the different (countries) hosts, wise sayings, proverbs, stories about traveling and overseas living experiences, and trivia about various countries, etc., please send your mail via the
mail homepage. Hetalila will be streaming on AnimateTV indefinitely.” We won’t know when it will be updated, so please check
AnimateTV everyday. Oh yes, for this section, well, if you go on holidays overseas, everyone will probably [plan to] go through it normally, but if you meet any unexpected situations or come across any pieces of information that surprise you…
Namikawa: Yes, something unexpected.
杉山:「僕ら多分知らないこともいっぱいあると思うんで、皆さんの体験談をいっせだいたら(?)嬉しいな、でこちらでご紹介していきたいなぁ[浪川:「そうですね。」] と思っております。」
Sugiyama: There are probably still so many things that we don’t know, so we’ll be very glad to receive stories about everyone’s experiences, and would love to introduce them here.
Sugiyama: Right! Last but not least, eeh, a message from me to another Hetalia voice actor. Since I can choose whoever I want, I thought I’d go with a country related to England. Well, I don’t know when she’ll come [to the program], but this time I would like to leave a message addressed to Sealand’s Orikasa Ai-san.
Namikawa: Ah, Sealand.
Sugiyama: Actually, the last time we were recording, Namikawa-san might already know this, there was a computer in the [recording] studio lobby, and everyone was using it to research about Sealand. And we found out that nobility titles for the
Principality of Sealand was being
sold. When Orikasa Ai-san saw that, she said, “I want it! Sugiyama-kun, order it [for me please]~!” So I said, “Ah, er, er, ah, okay…”, took out my [credit(?)] card and ordered it.
(T/N: Here’s another
site with a link to a Facebook group, if anyone’s interested.)
Namikawa: Uhuh.
Sugiyama: So, I would like to ask Orikasa Ai-san, “Has your title for Lady been delivered yet?”
Namikawa: I see.
Sugiyama: Yes. Well, I don’t know if we will meet in the studio again first, or if she will come on this program first…
Namikawa: Yes, yes, of course. So… “Lady”?
Sugiyama: Yes, the title of Lady of the Principality of Sealand.
Namikawa: Title of Lady, that is so cool!
Sugiyama: Yes, it’s cool. At that time, when Orikasa-san, Ai-san was going home, she said, “Well then, everyone, farewell~!” and left. (lol)
Namikawa: She was totally into [the role], wasn’t she!
Sugiyama: “Ah, Ai-san is so into it!” I thought.
Namikawa: Aah~
Sugiyama: Yes, we had many enjoyable recording sessions. (T/N: Cue bell in background music XD Sugiyama-san always seem to end his long speeches at just the right moments…)
Namikawa: Okay.
Sugiyama: Okay. So, we’re completely out of time.
Namikawa: It’s~ too~ fast~~!
Sugiyama: Yeah, too fast, there’s so much more we want to talk about. If you all send in requests to AnimateTV to, say, extend the time or something, maybe… we don’t know, but…
Namikawa: Yes.
Sugiyama: Right, just maybe [those requests] will be fulfilled! And so, I’m the host this time round, England’s Sugiyama Noriaki, and…
Namikawa: I’m the guest, Italy’s Namikawa Daisuke!
Sugiyama: Yes, and which country will be the next host? Please look forward to it! And so, to the people of the world…
England: Goodbye!!
Audience: Goodbye~!
Thanks for reading!
*After Event Comments: Coming soon!