Title: Freefall
Pairing: Leeteuk/Kangin
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
A/N: My first story for the 100 Miracle Challenge. Hmm, this would be my first Kangteuk attempt. :D And it's ANGST. -.- Sorry.
It was a feeling he had not experienced before.
He was freefalling, and this time, he was so completely alone.
Normally, he would've felt a heartbreaking pain somewhere in his chest, but it was soothed by the fact that he would be with his angel soon.
And that was the sole thing that brought a smile to his mouth.
He remembered how he had lost his only soulmate so easily, and so quickly.
They had just been to dinner together, celebrating their 2-year anniversary. It wasn't the most original thing, Kangin contemplated, but it had made Leeteuk smile, so it had been completely satisfactory.
They were driving home, with Leeteuk happily recalling how much he had eaten, and Kangin not paying full attention on the road, like he should've been.
And then there were bright lights...
And he couldn't see his Teukie anywhere...
And he felt this burning pain in his side, but that wasn't important right now...
He called out for Teukie, wanted to make sure he was okay...
But unwillingly, his eyes closed, surrounding him in complete darkness...
When he had finally woken up, he had grabbed the nearest person next to him, a doctor who was scribbling at a clipboard, and asked where the hell Leeteuk was.
But all the doctor had done was a sympathetic look and a shake of his head.
With that, Kangin had made his choice.
Ah, he was falling now...
And finally, he felt his angel's radiant smile reaching him.
And he had freefalled.