Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Dec 15, 2024 00:33

The one with the horrid poem that reminds us that Mike defines loving him as allowing him to drift through life in a fog where he doesn't have to do anything to justify his existence. 

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Comments 27

howtheduck December 15 2024, 04:41:12 UTC

... )


dreadedcandiru2 December 15 2024, 08:00:42 UTC
People only seem to love this idiot if they let him drift through life without thinking. He's never going to be anything other than the four year old brat howling that nobody loves him because he has to pick up his own crap. Why did he blow off trumpet lessons? There isn't a pill that makes him instantly good. Why does he not make better friends? That would be too much like work. Why does he think people are supposed to freeze in place? He has to breathe in AND out and that's exhausting.

Reason: he's the same knuckle-dragging simpleton Curtis "Surgically Attached Hat" Wilkins is and doesn't realize that when Daddy whines about his job, he's boasting about what a tough SOB he is.


dreadedcandiru2 December 15 2024, 11:08:09 UTC

Also, the odd thing is that we'd get the same face-full of Uh? from LookatmeORELSE Lad when he let his thing with Martha wither on the vine because he stupidly thought he got stiffed at Christmas and the same shit Liz will say when she gets called on ignoring Assthony were we to ask him why he thought other people would be cool with something that would enrage him.


jjamele December 15 2024, 11:09:40 UTC

Mike's poetry doesn't flow at all, unless there's a wrap-up to the thought yet to be typed out. "That words alone should so offend"...what? Is it strange to Michael that "words alone" should have the power to offend? Is he expressing surprise that he's capable of being offended by words? "So cheaply" indicates that Michael either didn't listen to Rhetta, or decided that her explanation was not acceptable considering the hurt it caused him. He won't admit that no explanation that doesn't end with with "I love you Michael and will love you forever let me serve you" would have been "acceptable." So she cast his "love" aside "cheaply"-something only he is allowed to do.

And "cast not aside my love so cheaply" or WHAT? And what does it even mean to cast an emotion aside "cheaply?" You were just reaching for rhyming words, weren't you, Lynn Michael?


dreadedcandiru2 December 15 2024, 11:00:53 UTC

The reason why Mike thinks that he should be allowed to ignore people for months at a time isn't just related to his exaggerated and self-serving fear of embarrassment:

... )


chocolate_frapp December 15 2024, 15:47:34 UTC

Thinking is not "talking to yourself".

And I'd be THRILLED if my old school got torn down.


dreadedcandiru2 December 15 2024, 17:51:54 UTC

Mike doesn't know the meaning of words because he's the creation of an idiot who thinks tearing down a place she's been 'means' wanting to hit her with a wrecking ball.


jjamele December 15 2024, 11:04:39 UTC

What always struck me about this strip is how casually Elly can walk into Michael's room, look over his shoulder, and read what he's typing as if she's his supervisor and he's working on a project for her company. This woman raises free-range kids she gives virtually no attention to, but then feels perfectly comfortable intruding into their private lives when it suits her.

And take your damn hand off your son's shoulder, you weirdo. There is something so off-putting about a mom who cries out loud about not receiving letters from her son to the extent that his girlfriend is acting like this. It's creepy and gives me more Ick than I want on a cold Sunday morning.


dreadedcandiru2 December 15 2024, 11:39:55 UTC

Since he grew up with "just barge on in when it suits me but get bent out of shape when I have to intercede when it doesn't", it's kind of no wonder he pulls crap like this. It's why he thinks it's torture to have to listen to people when it's not about him; having no idea what normal personal boundaries are, he gets his bowels in an uproar when he has to pay attention when it's 'boring'.


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dreadedcandiru2 December 17 2024, 08:09:06 UTC

Stupid poem speaks for stupid self.


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