is a reminder that John's pub bore ravings about the cruelty, madness and unfairness of holiday shopping steams from his whiny reaction to the following cruel hurtful words: JOHN PATTERSON, IT'S WRONG AND SELFISH AND BAD TO THINK OF YOUR WIFE AS THE ORGANIC ADJUNCT OF AN APPLIANCE.
because you're terrible at guesstimating sizes and you're too stupid to write stuff down and end up having to make small children into your personal shopper:
Possibly. I like the idea that Lynn Johnston has a limited number of female faces. Back when she was doing the new-runs, the dental assistant was practically older April's twin.
The strip itself:
is a reminder that John's pub bore ravings about the cruelty, madness and unfairness of holiday shopping steams from his whiny reaction to the following cruel hurtful words: JOHN PATTERSON, IT'S WRONG AND SELFISH AND BAD TO THINK OF YOUR WIFE AS THE ORGANIC ADJUNCT OF AN APPLIANCE.
because you're terrible at guesstimating sizes and you're too stupid to write stuff down and end up having to make small children into your personal shopper:
It's not just you. She has Tracey face.
Maybe this is the real reason Dr. Patterson is investing in Gordon's business.
He's being kind to his staffer's sister.
Possibly. I like the idea that Lynn Johnston has a limited number of female faces. Back when she was doing the new-runs, the dental assistant was practically older April's twin.
yeah, Elly's fucked up enough to wear fur.
I'm beginning to wonder if Jean's a closet case, she's going on a LOT about Elly supposedly being sexy.
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