of what John thinks a child is supposed to be: a vapid, always smiling mental void who does chores and injects whimsy into his life. Reason: he too catastrophizes growing up:
and refuses to admit how it's super freaking cool it is to be him:
1. Elly sees her husband and daughter getting bundled up and asks "where are you going?" John answers "outside!" Either Elly should respond "um, yeah I figured that part out- the boots and mittens tipped me off. WHERE are you going outside?" or Elly honestly couldn't figure out that coats + mittens + boots = outside.
2. I'm stunned that Elly came outside with them. She'll spend the rest of the night complaining that she caught a chill and drinking tea while looking at the water that was tracked in.
3. John, tell your daughter that you are happy to be sharing this moment with her. Thought-bubbles mean less than nothing.
4. Why would John need to wear a three-piece suit, like, EVER?
5. John, you mean "no problems you are aware of." Edgar has problems. He's a pet in this family, which means his lifespan is considerably shorter than if he were the pet of any of the neighbors.
Elly sees her husband and daughter getting bundled up and asks "where are you going?" John answers "outside!" Either Elly should respond "um, yeah I figured that part out- the boots and mittens tipped me off. WHERE are you going outside?" or Elly honestly couldn't figure out that coats + mittens + boots = outside.
Where are the Mad Magazine "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" when we need them?
When I was a little kid my parents told me the truth right away, that Santa was "just a story". Guess what? It didn't wreck Christmas for me one bit. Elly and John are stressing out like people afraid to tell somebody that someone they love died.
Notice that this moment in the Patterson does not include Elizabeth or Edgar. Elizabeth I understand, but Edgar is a mystery. A dog would be up the moment the door opens.
Today, we get a reminder:
of what John thinks a child is supposed to be: a vapid, always smiling mental void who does chores and injects whimsy into his life. Reason: he too catastrophizes growing up:
and refuses to admit how it's super freaking cool it is to be him:
1. Elly sees her husband and daughter getting bundled up and asks "where are you going?" John answers "outside!" Either Elly should respond "um, yeah I figured that part out- the boots and mittens tipped me off. WHERE are you going outside?" or Elly honestly couldn't figure out that coats + mittens + boots = outside.
2. I'm stunned that Elly came outside with them. She'll spend the rest of the night complaining that she caught a chill and drinking tea while looking at the water that was tracked in.
3. John, tell your daughter that you are happy to be sharing this moment with her. Thought-bubbles mean less than nothing.
4. Why would John need to wear a three-piece suit, like, EVER?
5. John, you mean "no problems you are aware of." Edgar has problems. He's a pet in this family, which means his lifespan is considerably shorter than if he were the pet of any of the neighbors.
1) It's probably the latter. She does appear to lack common sense.
2) This is why she went outside.
3) John is Lynn: he assumes that people know what he does without having to tell them.
4) He wouldn't but he thinks he does.
5) That's Farley but, yeah, being with those zombies is a risk to his health.
No wonder Elly can't get a decent amount of sleep if she spend most of the night drinking tea. I love tea and even I don't do that.
Elly sees her husband and daughter getting bundled up and asks "where are you going?" John answers "outside!" Either Elly should respond "um, yeah I figured that part out- the boots and mittens tipped me off. WHERE are you going outside?" or Elly honestly couldn't figure out that coats + mittens + boots = outside.
Where are the Mad Magazine "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" when we need them?
When I was a little kid my parents told me the truth right away, that Santa was "just a story". Guess what? It didn't wreck Christmas for me one bit. Elly and John are stressing out like people afraid to tell somebody that someone they love died.
They probably told her to hold the dog back.
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