Saturday, 21 September 2024

Sep 19, 2024 00:33

The one where April is naughty and bad because she's as observant as her mother.

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howtheduck September 19 2024, 05:18:15 UTC

... )


dreadedcandiru2 September 19 2024, 05:46:55 UTC
It also implies that Elly will never believe in an honest mistake. If people aren't plotting her ruin because they hate her, she's a gloomy idiot who made a mess of her life feeling sorry for herself and being too God-damn stupid to admit that having a child means changing the way she lives.


dreadedcandiru2 September 19 2024, 09:52:09 UTC

Also, I notice something Lynn, Elly and the Coffee Talkers refuse to see: April didn't see Elly close the cabinet door. It does no good to whine what a child should know just because it would be convenient.


jjamele September 19 2024, 09:58:45 UTC

I also see something Elly refuses to see: April honestly trying to help make her mother's life easier by scraping leftovers off her plate (I guess this is before Elly become a Composting Queen.) We know Elly won't be around to praise April for doing this- not that she'd praise April even if she saw it happening- but instead will unhinge her jaw and yell WHO LEFT THE CABINET DOOR OPEN??


dreadedcandiru2 September 19 2024, 10:15:35 UTC
Elly cannot praise a child for doing something useful. First off, she's believed they're supposed to do that without expecting recognition because she never gets any. Second, it would mean her life isn't horrible and that people aren't lining up to hurt her. Michael gets this bug on a windshield garbage from somewhere. I'm thinking it's the theatrical narcissist with the persecution complex jabbing her finger in the air and screaming about buying eyeglasses in bulk!


dreadedcandiru2 September 19 2024, 10:18:25 UTC
Oh. can never occur to the whimpering sap to show kids things. People are supposed to love her and magically be perfect without her wasting her time teaching them. I blame her own lack of curiosity. If Elly/Lynn weren't so afraid of and angered by the idea that she should actually know stuff about her kids, we wouldn't see nonsense like this.


jjamele September 19 2024, 12:30:14 UTC

Teaching kids is descending to their level and debasing to an adult. Kind of makes me wonder why Lynn had Elizabeth become a teacher; I suspect that she just saw that as a Default Feminine Placeholder Career for Liz until she became a Housewife and Mommy. Like Deanna, who I'm sure Lynn just saw as a clerk waiting to be rescued by Important Writer Husband.


dreadedcandiru2 September 19 2024, 13:31:59 UTC

All Lynn can hear coming out of a child's mouth is AGLAGLAGLAGLA. All a teacher is for is coddling a selfish discipline problem who doesn't have the self-respect to try anything. A pharmacist is a cashier with pills. Lynn is a damn idiot with a child's idea of how things work.


aprilp_katje September 21 2024, 13:46:27 UTC

All a teacher is for is coddling a selfish discipline problem who doesn't have the self-respect to try anything.

This. I think Lynn making Elly a teacher was all about having her be the kind of teacher Lynn wishes she'd had: Someone who would indulge the class disruptor, who Lynn probably was in the Lil Lindy days.


howtheduck September 22 2024, 03:52:14 UTC

As I recollect that teacher for L'il Lindy was George Stibbs, whom she put in the comic strip as the prior owner of the house Elly and John and April move into. Like you I think she wanted Elizabeth to be George Stibbs. Unfortunately, in the comic strip, Lynn's focus on Elizabeth with the unruly kids made it appear as though Elizabeth was ignoring the other children in favor of dealing with the troublemaker. I am going to guess that George Stibbs did not do that.

Friday, December 10, 2010 Lynn's Comments:

I had some wonderful, insightful and compassionate teachers. The dialogue you see here is almost word for word from a conversation I had with Mr. Stibbs in grade four. He told me that yes, he did pick on me and yes, he did single me out in the class - and that he did so because he knew I could do better. He explained that it took a lot of his time and energy to put me in my place and he did so because I was worth it. I think he was the first to put a harness on the unruly kid that I was and he did so by letting me know - in ( ... )


aprilp_katje September 22 2024, 14:52:54 UTC

Oops, I only belatedly realized I referred to Elly being a teacher instead of Liz. What a disaster THAT would have been.

I took a look at the 12/10/2010 strip to remind myself which it was; it's the conference with Mrs. Hardacre. One of her comments to John and Elly is that Michael likes to entertain the class. I dont' have that impression at all.


dreadedcandiru2 September 22 2024, 15:46:11 UTC

That's probably teacher-speak for "the other children laugh when he messes up."


dreadedcandiru2 September 19 2024, 14:09:46 UTC

Also, one must remember that despite people remembering what she says and understanding how she sees the world, no one ever listens to Elly.


howtheduck September 19 2024, 16:22:48 UTC

Like Deanna, who I'm sure Lynn just saw as a clerk waiting to be rescued by Important Writer Husband.

For a woman who enjoyed the power and leverage her multi-million-dollar salary gave her in her family, it is interesting that she always put women in traditionally female careers and jobs or as in the case of Deanna, indicated that her job was just a stopgap until Mike started making the real money. In her first marriage, Lynn was able to bully her husband into moving across the country so she could pursue a career in animation. However, with second husband Rod and his family, the move to Corbeil from their hometown of Lynn Lake could have only occurred thanks to her making so much money. If she had been a housewife and a mommy, where she puts her female characters, the Johnston family would have just said, "No thanks. Rod's job is way too important to the community here to uproot the whole family just because you want to live in a place with better shopping."

However, it does make me wonder if Lynn saw a pharmacist as a clerk who ( ... )


dreadedcandiru2 September 19 2024, 22:33:19 UTC

Of course she does. She's on all fours with that goof Seinfeld.


chocolate_frapp September 20 2024, 19:04:39 UTC

eurgh, thanks for the visual!


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