Sep 16, 2024 00:37
The one where Anthony meets the real Lizardbreath.
Synopsis: When Dawn reminds Liz that she's dating Anthony, she gets all saucy about his needing competition.....only to be a Patterson and give him a scraping for talking to another girl.
Summary: This is the idiot who called Thérèse an iceberg because she didn't understand what a grapevine is.
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Given that Liz still doesn't realize that the only reason she got the Token That Said She Was Taken
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Sure went from "it's no big deal, forget about it" to "I'll pick you up after work and we'll talk about it tomorrow" pretty fast, didn't it? Anthony wants Liz to know that he's not ditching her for daring to talk to a former boyfriend, but she isn't quite forgiven, either. Liz wants Anthony to be jealous, but not dump her, either. These are two manipulative jerks who totally deserve each other.
The slipshod manner in which these two low-lives conduct their affairs is framed as a tragedy. To that, I say
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1. Liz simpering for forgiveness while giving Anthony details he has no reason to be privy to- Warren "lost his job" and "was depressed" and "needed someone to talk to"- except for the "lost his job" part, this must sound very familiar to Anthony and give Anthony reason to be concerned. From his point of view, he knows exactly what "needed someone to talk to" means. Did Warren beg Liz to Wait for Him Promise You'll Wait?
2. Anthony in a full pajama outfit. Oh good lord, Anthony, are you ten years old? Is he also wearing slippers? Why can't we see a bowl of gruel and a hot water bottle in the frame?
Given that Liz is too slow on the uptake and lacking in awareness of the real world to pick up on his concerns, Mama's Little Man has cause to worry. Another example of this hints broadly at why nobody's ever going to tell her about the double wedding:
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"My family doesn't pry into our personal affairs."
1. "My family..." implying that Dee's WILL pry into their personal affairs.
2. "our personal affairs...." maybe Mike is conceding that his family is too busy meddling with Liz to bother with them?
3. Why don't we see a sticky-tongued laugh from Dee in response? Because it would actually be appropriate here.
4. Nobody in this strip has a life. Everyone lives vicariously through everyone else, having nothing better to do. It's really kind of sad. In my family, nobody would give a flying d--n what Mike and Dee were doing until they did something ridiculous like move back home and refuse to leave.
I'm pleasantly surprised that Lynn didn't manage to draw Edgar in the strip, staring at Liz, waiting for information concerning the All-Consuming Mystery that is Michael and Deanna. Eyeroll.
are people not supposed to wear pajamas? I miss something?
It's just a personal bias of mine; I think that pajama outfits are fine for little boys and old men. Since Anthony is both a little boy and an old man, I guess it works.
I am neither a little boy nor any kind of a man and I wear them sometimes.
I don't think it's my imagination, Liz and Anthony look too much like eachother in that second strip.
It strikes me that Lynn was trying so hard to make the guy in the first panel a dreamboat, she drew him in a completely different style. As for Anthony's appearance, he might be another victim of Lynn drawing from memory.
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