The one where it's good that Elly reminds us that she's living in the past.
Synopsis: An angry Liz is forced to write her name on her school supplies like she's the pathetic idiot with her ID tag sewed into her panties because Elly believes in school supply thieves.
Summary: This is because she won't spend John's money buying school supplies in
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Also, buying back to school clothes is something Elly doesn't look forward to either:
because she's too big a deal to go to a consignment store like someone actually trying to save money. The best she can do is subject them to hand-me-downs
and hope the school board shoves them into uniforms so she can save John's money.
"Which reminds me, mom...." unless Michael had been planning a conversation with his mother about her wardrobe, this is nonsensical. "By the way, mom, how come you don't buy new clothes" makes much more sense. But again, Lynn does not know how people talk because she never listens to people talk.
And the correct answer is "because I'm a martyr pretending to be less of a burden than I obviously am." It's certainly not because she is interested in saving money for the family's sake. The Pattersons have plenty of money for whatever they want. But Elly lives in the shadow of her decaying beauty and fears replacement, so she desperately tries to make herself out to be the person who is holding the family's finances together. She'll do anything to accomplish this except get an actual job.
The new one might do something wacky like tell Mike to keep his mitts off a girl half his size.
Real human: "I spent almost $600." Elly: "That comes to $589.76!"*
Real human: "How could so few clothes cost so much?" Elly: "How could a few articles of clothing cost so much?" Nobody says "articles of clothing," let alone THINK those words.
Real human: "Can we get something?" Liz: "Since we're downtown, could you buy us something?"
And yes- Elly wants to moan about the cost of things that she will not get to enjoy, she will lecture her kids on the importance of saving money, but she won't be caught DEAD in a second-hand shop because she might be seen by other people (who are also at the second-hand shop but, because they are not Elly Patterson, almost certainly have slack jaws and jagged teeth.)
*"WE got (not "I bought them") a LOT of clothes." I don't see "a few articles of clothing" in this list. I see an entire wardrobe. Elly will call the amount they bought "a few articles" when she complains about the price, but a ton of clothes when she's carrying them.
That's the problem: where they hammer the nails into her cross varies.
Real human (probably Grandma Ruth): I went shopping for school supplies and clothes for Aaron and Katie.
Lynn Johnston: How much was it? I can put that into a comic strip.
Since when does some boy ever ask his mother why she wears the same clothes all the time (unless he grows up to be a fashion designer)?
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