Sep 03, 2024 00:34
The one where Gord's dad shows where Gord gets being a dolt from.
Synopsis: When Mayes Senior is sober, he reminds us why Gord is a peasant buffoon who paints his legs with shoe polish when he gauds up the truck he gave his son.
Summary: At least it's not packing peanuts. It takes a RICH degen to stoop that low.
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And of course, the ultimate example of Lynn creating a designated hero who we are supposed to love in Fucking ANTHONY who's beloved by Lynn and the Patterson family for his ability to sustain a relationship.......with his girlfriend from middle school, Lizardbreath:
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First strip: Why even ask where the truck is? What difference does it make? Oh right- to set up the punchline.
Second strip: Tracey's response to listening to Gordon drone on and on about his love of another girl is "you're incredible, Gordon." We can't see her face, but it ought to be twisted in disgust by now. Since she's in this strip, she's probably falling in love with him with every word about Allyson. There's nothing even close to incredible about anything Gordon said- it just gives clueless, whiny, entitled incel vibes for me.
Third strip: "Yay, our daughter is the Other Woman, having an affair with a married man with a child! High Five!" I just can't.
Last strip "Now she spends more time at work than she spends with us." Is she at work right now, Anthony? Who is this "us?" I see a man spending more time with his ex girlfriend than he does with this child.
When Liz and Anthony go to the NYE party together, this is while she is dating Eric, and Anthony has just become engaged to Therese, which he tells Liz during the party. However, yes, Elly and John high-fiving in that strip is just gross.
At least in Anthony's biography, the author had the good sense to realize that Anthony showing up to his father's work party with his old girlfriend in a slinky dress instead of with his fiancée and then leaving the party early to spend the night with her (innocently talking of course) would not have gone over well with the fiancée or the father.
In the comic strip, Lynn is all full of her own "I did nothing wrong spending time with Rod when I was married to Doug" that she seems to be incapable of realizing just how gross that high five was.
It feels like anybody other than Lynn writing the biography would tend to include some recognition of how that would look....
I wish Paul had defended himself with "you weren't here, Liz, so....." I am sure that would have gone over well.
Liz would explode.
She'd never admit that what's good for the goose.....someone needs to rewrite the dialogue for the "Liz comes home to find Paul is cheating" strip. Or rewrite this strip so April reminds Liz that she's following the philosophy she attacked Paul for practicing- except, she's doing it with a married man.
Whenever I see that first strip, I'm struck by how weirdly Liz is drawn. I don't have a better way to describe it than "stubby," and that doesn't quite satisfy me. I'm especially thinking of the way she looks in the first panel. Maybe howtheduck can't help me sort out what I'm trying to identify here....
'Compressed' seems to fit. It's as if her vertical hold knob isn't adjusted properly.
This is because Lynn is trying to make Anthony look more important by decreasing Liz's size.
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Thank you! That does explain my "stubby" perception.
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