Sunday, 1 September 2024

Aug 30, 2024 00:51

The Sunday strip where Gordon marries Object With No Agency.

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jjamele August 30 2024, 10:14:52 UTC

1. Never has it been more obvious that a woman who refuses to consult with men writes this strip. No man goes to a wedding of a friend and then wonders "who's next?" Maybe women think like that- certainly that's the meme- but not men.

2. Tracey doesn't need to say "I do." Gordon says it for them. This was one instance in which it would have been nice if Lynn let Tracey do the talking for both of them if only one of them was going to be shown saying the words. Gordon gets the punchline, after all.

3. Is it just me, or has Michael's voiced sentiment "we never thought you'd be first" just a rehash of a thought that has been articulated several times already? WE GET IT, LYNN. Michael is so bland and devoid of thoughts he's just repeating the throw-away line over and over again using slightly different words. How about just 'congratulations?' or 'I know you'll be happy?" rather than this constant "there are a bunch of people who are around the same age here and you're the first to get married who is going to get married next" nonsense? And Gordon just takes Michael's non-thought and repeats it back so everyone can hear it like it's the freaking Sermon on the Mount. There are two people at this wedding who, at the time, didn't know they'd ever be able to legally marry. Seems kind of cruel to be spouting sentiments like this so damn loudly.


dreadedcandiru2 August 30 2024, 10:26:55 UTC

This not having the least idea how men actually think and act made watching him act like a stumbling fool when he was dating Martha painful. A normal boy would boast that a girl digs him but he acts as Lindy would've. It's why he's such a mushhead here: he can't be smarter than Lynn is.


jjamele August 30 2024, 12:56:21 UTC

Michael was thrilled to be "in love" when he was in third grade but seemed creeped out about it in High School. In real life, boys deny being attracted to girls when young and boast about it when they get older. Lynn just didn't even try to seek out basic information about how males develop.


dreadedcandiru2 August 30 2024, 13:55:56 UTC
That would require her to even be able to understand that boys develop differently.


jjamele August 30 2024, 14:08:20 UTC

It's like Lynn thinks that Michael was in love three times in his life- with Dee, Martha, and Rhetta, and then cycled back to Dee when he saw her in the hospital. But, please. I had a mad crush on a girl when I was in grade school- I wasn't in "love" with her and when I saw her again twenty years later it had less than zero impact on me emotionally. Because I'm, you know, NOT INSANE.


dreadedcandiru2 August 30 2024, 15:11:48 UTC

A dough-head like her might think like Mike did and she'd still be seen as a distressing anomaly to other women. To a guy like me, she looks as if her trolley has gone off the tracks.


jjamele August 30 2024, 16:21:30 UTC

there's arrested development, and then there's.....this.


dreadedcandiru2 August 30 2024, 17:49:52 UTC
I think the appropriate phrase would be "atomic crazy."


howtheduck August 31 2024, 01:27:58 UTC

The Pattersons do not reflect the bulk of humanity who do not marry people with whom they went to school. With Elizabeth and Michael, it's like they are limited to only those choices.

The more tragic case was with Elizabeth and Constable Paul Wright, because the set up for her was so perfect. She had the perfect job, the perfect community where she was adored, students who loved her, and a guy who was willing to relocate to be near her. Best of all, some distance from her overbearing mother.


jjamele August 31 2024, 16:27:43 UTC

and an opportunity for Lynn to win plaudits for showing a genuine native wedding. Instead we got the over-the-top whitebread suburban bland wedding that except for its revolting extravagance was interchangeable with every other wedding depicted in the strip. A wedding between the blandest people imaginable.

Fans of the wonderful BBC detective series "Foulke's War" remember wondering who Sam, the adventurous, curious young woman who served as Foulke's driver during World War II, would end up with, as she would occasionally be courted by American and British soldiers. Then near the end of the show's run, she meets and marries the most boring animated mannequin imaginable. That was a letdown too- but I don't think as big a letdown as finding out that Paul was just a blind alley/red herring leading back to Blandthony.


chocolate_frapp August 31 2024, 17:06:09 UTC

oh god. You just reminded me of a show I loved till I ragequit it. Don't remember the name of the show but it was about a law firm and this one character was a young woman lawyer who absolutely loved her job but she had sex with this guy she wasn't in love with, got pregnant and didn't really want to quit her job, marry the guy or have the baby but she did it anyway because it would make him happy, and the show presented this as somehow being the correct decision. I was so pissed I couldn't stomach watching that show anymore.


jjamele August 31 2024, 23:16:57 UTC

That was pretty common in movies made in the 40s and 50s- successful, hard-working woman gives it all up for diapers and a cookbook. I remember one film in which a female reporter helps a detective solve a case; in the concluding scene, he reveals that he got her fired from the paper. When she asks "why did you do that?" he tells her "I figured you can't fight crime and cook my dinners at the same time." She swoons and falls into his arms, THE END. In another film, a woman solved another mystery- and when she asks the editor "do I get a byline?" he replies "I'll give you a clothesline, with my shirt on it." More swooning, THE END. Really, really gross stuff but I'm sure it would leave Lynn tearing up and nodding in agreement, maybe thinking "later, if she has time, she could open a small sewing school!"


chocolate_frapp August 31 2024, 23:43:01 UTC

this show was made in the 70's though!

If those movies you referenced are the ones I think they are they both showed up on MST3K and I'm pretty sure I remember Tom Servo going "he should quit his job instead, strippers make a lot more money than cops!" (the woman was the 40's movie version of a stripper which meant it was only vaguely hinted at)


dreadedcandiru2 September 1 2024, 00:12:36 UTC
And much like that swaggering dullard John, the smirking ape thinks he's doing the woman a favor.


aprilp_katje September 1 2024, 12:35:56 UTC

Seriously. There was a boy in my class in pre-K through second grade, that I remember thinking was SO CUTE, but I have not ever thought of him being "my first love."


chocolate_frapp August 30 2024, 16:15:11 UTC

I'm a woman and I don't think that when I go to a wedding. The closest I get to that is when I think "god, I hope nobody tries to make me participate in that stupid sexist shoving match over the damn bouquet."


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