Please note the Pattersons’ clothing colors are exactly the same as they when they were being checked by the border guard. Of course this could be a syndicated colorist error since the originals were black and white, but even in black and white the clothing style is exactly the same. John has a collared shirt. April has long pants on. Elly has a low cut collar t-shirt.
Looking at the pictures, it is pretty clear the Pattersons got turned away at the border and just came straight home. Of course in Lynn Johnston land, what it really means is that she drew these comic strips all in the same week, decided to make the Pattersons' clothing look the same, and never considered that the Pattersons would change clothes at least once before they came home.
Please note the Pattersons’ clothing colors are exactly the same as they when they were being checked by the border guard. Of course this could be a syndicated colorist error since the originals were black and white, but even in black and white the clothing style is exactly the same. John has a collared shirt. April has long pants on. Elly has a low cut collar t-shirt.
Looking at the pictures, it is pretty clear the Pattersons got turned away at the border and just came straight home. Of course in Lynn Johnston land, what it really means is that she drew these comic strips all in the same week, decided to make the Pattersons' clothing look the same, and never considered that the Pattersons would change clothes at least once before they came home.
Right. They are not the Scooby gang or even the Charlie Brown gang, where such things are normal and acceptable.
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