Friday, 1 December 2023

Nov 29, 2023 00:46

The one where Lily gives Elly the gift of an identity that isn't "Mommy ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

dreadedcandiru2 November 29 2023, 07:49:42 UTC

The irritating thing is that we're dealing with Lynn's on-going refusal to admit that her 'good fortune' was just handed to her by people working on her behalf because they felt sorry for her (which is where the three pre-FBorFW treasuries com from) or because she's pink-washing running her fat yap about portfolios and hard work.

Where she falls flat on her face is not understanding what her lucky breaks look like to the casual reader. Just as most people think putting a four year old in a cage is the thing that doesn't add up, a lot of people think that Liz would cackle with glee if the MEAN WOMAN who was MEAN TO HER FOR NOOOOOOO REASON got fed into a woodchipper head first:

... )


jjamele November 29 2023, 11:24:53 UTC

1. I'm a teacher. Before I was hired, I had dozens of interviews. "Coming in for an interview" does NOT mean "I got a job." Unless, of course, your last name is Patterson and you've read the script in advance I guess.

2. Does every Patterson have to have their very own butt-kisser? Give it a rest, Francine. Michael quit when he was asked to do his job. In real life, that would be the only thing the staff ever talked about afterwards. Stop describing him as the nexus of the freaking universe.

3. Who is playing the role of Elly in the first panel of that last strip?


dreadedcandiru2 November 29 2023, 11:55:30 UTC
1) The phrase "her eyes are bigger than her stomach" comes into play. Carts are being put in front of horses.

2) His peeing his diaper and running home to Mommy wife would also be all he is in real life.

3) Maybe it's the Elly from Star Trek's mirror universe.


jjamele November 29 2023, 12:11:58 UTC

Francine is talking to Michael the way what's-her-face talked to Elly when Elly decided to quit Lilliput's after fifteen minutes- "you've turned this into an institution..." Yeah, these people were so very very important to the business they walked away from. Never mind that we saw zero evidence of this in the actual strip.


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dreadedcandiru2 December 1 2023, 08:10:03 UTC

Lynn's Comments:

We get a "This is the truth" thing today:

I once went into a furniture store looking for a couch. They were short staffed and I could see they needed help. I loved their store and knew the inventory and volunteered to help. At the end of the day, they offered me a job. I was already employed, but I sure liked the idea of being able to show what I could do before I applied!


aprilp_katje December 2 2023, 15:10:47 UTC

I have trouble imagining Lynn voluntarily working in a furniture store all day. And also more generally a store owner allowing a rando off the street to "volunteer" when they're short-staffed. I would expect all kinds of liability and other issues to prevent something like that.


dreadedcandiru2 December 2 2023, 17:16:57 UTC
The only thing that makes the remotest sense is her working there as part of some sort of charity drive and taking a joke job offer at face value.


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