Just in case...

Jan 01, 2012 15:50

Someone comes to see who I am because I friended them.  I'm a thirty-something ish mom of four and teacher.  I love fanfiction, especially Stargate Sg-1, Stargate Atlantis, Bones, X-Files, and West Wing.  I'm a ship-whore, usually OTP, and adore Sam/Jack, Daniel/Vala, Booth/Bones,  Josh/Donna, and of course Mulder/Scully. Also I've been known to be a little McShep-y from time to time. I  love watching CSI, House, Lost, and BSG; but I don't read much fiction for them.  I have recently stuck my baby toe into the world of writing fanfic.  Mostly I lurk, but every now and then something moves me to post. If I friended you, it probably means I like your fic, and wanted easier access to it.  Yada, yada, yada... 


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