I was in Barnes & Noble a few weeks ago and, as I was browsing, I came across this little book that immediately reminded me of Gillette (and our NavyBoys in general). I thought I would share, thinking everyone here might find it as amusing as I did, considering the subject matter is such a major part of our fandom. Can anyone else picture Andrew sitting with quill and paper trying to write this?
The Snark Handbook: A Reference Guide to Verbal Sparring by Lawrence Dorfman
http://www.amazon.com/Snark-Handbook-Reference-Verbal-Sparring/dp/1602397600/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1319162287&sr=1-1 ...but that's the clean edition. The edition I actually came across in the store was The Snark Handbook: Sex Edition. Fandom-wise, I think we all know who was probably the top instigator contributor for that one. ;) It was what I read on the front page of this edition that nearly made me choke on my latte...
"Sex can make you snarky. Snark can make you sexy." ~ The Author
We can attest to that. XD