i'm doing a VCA short course in camera skills this week as a part of their winter intensive program (that's the Victorian College of Arts in case you didn't know)
it is FULL ON!
not so much when we're there, although the woman taking it is very intense and in your face (and is saying the most obviously simple yet profound things that i'm just nodding at going, yes, i'd forgotten that about acting)
but omg the stuff she wants us to immerse ourselves in this week
it's very cool but omg!
- watch 2 films every night - styles of her choice (that we haven't seen before) make notes.
- read a piece of literature you haven't read before
- listen to a different type of music every night that you're not familiar with (genre chosen with her every night)
- read a screenplay over the week
- read some of the paper everyday (not the herald sun :P)
- go to a play before friday
- go to a gallery and look specifically at framing as well as all the pretty art
- watch ourselves on tape- observe
- learn scenes for next day
tonight i am watching a very long engagement and bright young things (french and english (UK) were today's requests)
i will read therese raquin by emile zola cos i bought it for first year drama theory and never read it
i will find a screenplay on line... any suggestions - i think she probably wants me to read something i haven't seen
i will visit the home page of *some* newspaper
I went to the NGV after class today with Sarah (a new friend) which was cool and we chatted and looked and wandered in the hour we had left
I am hoping she says that we have to listen to jazz tomorrow (tonight is classical) since i really really really wanted to go to the JAZZ AND KNITTING NIGHT (OMG!!!!!) at Dizzy's... but otherwise i will see a play tomorrow (i hope)
I have no idea if i'm going to make st marts wed...
*dies already*
That being said--- AWESOMENESS