ah, crazy mom.
crazy kids at steak n shake, as well.
this boything of an aquaintance of mine sat down and kept announcing how he loves making out with his bashful girlfriend, loudly. he was obnoxious, but that didn't really bother me.
alex and jesse are quoting dave chappelle. funny things, but no big deal. so the obnoxious (assumingly white) kid catches on and shouts chappelle as well...but all the lines he chose had the n-word gracefully placed in it. after glaring at him, i give alex a look. his girlfriend kinda gives him the shut up look, and he goes to alex and is like,
"oh wait, you're black! i'm sorry, did i offend you?"
alex kinda laughs and says no.
i say, "he's not, but i am"
he's kind of taken aback and replies with, "no see, cause i said it with an "A" at the end, not an "ER". it would be different if i--"
"it was never your term to reclaim. it's offensive either way."
he kinda quieted down, but probably made some crack at me being hypersensitive. and when he left to go make out with his girlfriend, he hugged or shook the hand of everyone else but mine, and apologizes for offending me. it's kinda funny that someone is that dumb, but jeez.
on a brighter note, i saw keren yesterday. but not so bright was that i saw her for .0008765 seconds and she was sick. :[ but still damn cute as ever!
now for some
i was the only one who was confused as to what camera to look at, apparently
proof that my mom is nuts. aw, but i love her.
<3 photoshop