Fanfiction! Arthur/Merlin, Shhh!

Jun 20, 2009 23:53

Title: Shhh! Library porn!
Rating: R for heavily implied sexual situation.
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin established relationship.
Length: 566
Warnings: Sexy times, m/m, AU.
Disclaimer:Merlin and Co. belong to the BBC and Shine. I own nothing and make nothing.
Author‘s Note: During one of our awesome daily chats, nahara and I randomly decided I need to write more ficlets because obviously having two dozen fics on the go isn’t enough. She prompted me: Arthur/Merlin, in a library trying to keep quiet. The porn pen flowed. I’m thinking about opening a prompt thread at my journal if the inspiration continues, what do you think?


From the quietest corner of the library there came a shuffle. And a grunt. And a shuffle.


“Huhwhat? I thought we were?!”

“No…my zipper, it’s-”

“SHH! Shut up. And stop squirming, you’re making it worse.”

“Ouch, Arthur, stop tugging it like that!”

“…I thought you liked it when I-”

“Arthur. Zip. Get off.”

“I was, Merlin…”

There was significantly more shuffling and finally the satisfying sound of a zip releasing and a hushed hiss forced out through clenched teeth.

“Ahhh, God. Yessss.”

“For God’s sake, shhh! I know you’re a shameless exhibitionist, Merlin, but I’d rather like to keep this between the two of us and not have Mrs Macready come snooping about for a sit-in session.”

“I can’t help it when you have your hand inhunf-”

The sound of wet, sloppy kissing and the rhythmic rustling of two clothed bodies rubbing together muffled the soft groans and heavy panting.

“Mmm, Merlin. Like that, just like that…Ahh, wait.”

The hot, solid hand holding them both left, drawing identical, muted groans of frustration. It returned wet and slick and perfectly tight, taking them both in hand and squeezing. Perfect. The rhythm was perfect, the heat was perfect, the thrill and scorch of skin was perfect…. Wait, what was that?

“Oh God…”

The breathless moan spoke not of hot, kinky pleasure but of horror.

“Hmm, what? Whasamatter?”

A sweaty, long fingered hand clamped down over Arthur’s kiss-swollen mouth.

“Hush…There’s someone in the next isle.”

The almost squeak in Merlin’s barely audible whisper made Arthur’s lips quirk against Merlin’s palm. He gave the moist skin of the hand a long, hot lick.

“Ahh, Arthur.”

Quiet, scraping footsteps paused. A pair of beige, rubber soled shoes, became visible under the ceiling high book shelf, casting shadows over the pale carpet. Two bodies, hot and hard and deliciously close, froze. The shoes retreated, the footsteps faded away slowly. Safe.

“Merlin…Come on, Merlin, move!”

“Trying. I need…Arthur I need…Oh, yes.”

“I know…. I know what you need. I’ve got you. That’s it…”

“Faster. Arthur, please go faster.”

“Shhh, come forward…Lean on me, that’s it. Better?”

“Mmm, Arthur. Again, do that again. Oh!”

The frantic sounds of fabric and skin scraping, shoes scuffling, hitched breaths and hushed groans shared back and forth between tongue and teeth echoed in the silence of their corner sanctuary.

“You’re so close. So close I can feel you, in my hand. Take me with you, Merlin…”

“YES, God, yes. Together.”

“Together…Oh, Christ.”

“Now, Arthur, now! I‘m going-”

“Come for me, Merlin. It‘s alright, I‘m-”

There was a soft cry, a half-bitten grunt and a moment frozen in time. Pleasure circled above their heads, around their bodies; rushing through their veins. Together, with the warm, sticky evidence of their desire amalgamating between them, they came back down.

“-with you. Always with you.”

Arthur’s hot breath against his neck, misted the words against Merlin’s flushed skin. A contented sigh ghosted over Arthur’s shoulder and he laced their sticky fingers together.


A gentle pair of lips kissed a racing pulse point, laving it with a soft tongue until it beat slow and steady once more. Merlin shifted his head on Arthur’s shoulder, his eyelashes catching against the blonde’s tight, blue t-shirt before they drew apart for a slow, sloppy kiss. The quietest they had been all the while.

“Hey, Arthur?”

“Yes, Merlin?”

“Can I borrow your library card?”

