Fic, Merlin/Will, A Spell Of Firsts (4/4)

Feb 27, 2009 19:24

Title: A Spell Of Firsts (4/4)
Pairing: Merlin/Will
Genre: Humour, fluff, some angst, some smut.
Rating: PG-13, R in later chapters.
Length: 960
Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing. No sue the starving student.
Warnings/spoilers: Some sexual content, no spoilers unless you count Will as a spoiler =D Unbeta’d because I am a beta and I haven’t found someone to do my own work yet *meep*
Summary: Merlin and Will share a spell of firsts that lead them to a fun friendship and an unbreakable bond.
A/N: Thisstarted out as a one shot and turned into a multi-chapter thing. I just hope there are some more Merlin/Will fans out there who will enjoy this. This fic is for doomcanary, who had a crappy week and wanted Merlin/Will as much as I did. I hope this is a little ray of sunshine in between those clouds!

-First fight-

The first time Merlin fought with Will, really fought with Will, his best friend looked angry, then frightened, then angry again.

“I just don’t see why you have to go!” Will had shouted, not caring whether the entire village heard his harsh words.

“I’ve told you, I don’t have a choice! Mother is livid that you know about you know what and she’s sending me away for awhile,” Merlin hissed. He tried to keep his voice down, villagers walking past Merlin’s mother’s house were averting their eyes to the floor as they hurried by, trying to mind their business but clearly able to hear everything being said.

“But you’re not even trying to change her mind, its like you actually want to go away or something.” Will’s voice was hurt and full of accusation.

Merlin looked down at his big feet and sighed, not wanting to lie, “Well maybe I do, did you ever stop to think about that? What if I want to go and see new things; meet new people?”

Will shook his head vehemently, “So you want to go, now. You can’t wait to get away, can you? That’s what this is! You’ve been keeping it in the quiet until everything was sorted and then you thought you’d just break it all nice and civil that you’re going away and don’t care about what anyone else wants.”

“That is not how it is, Will, and you know it. I wouldn’t keep something like that from you, I only just found out yesterday myself. My mother wrote to Gaius weeks ago, I didn’t know. But now she wants me to go and see him and yes, I’ll admit I want to go and why shouldn’t I?” Merlin replied hotly.

“What about me?” Will asked, his voice much quieter and sullen all of a sudden.

“Will, it doesn’t change anything, you’re still my best friend. You always will be.”

“But it does, it changes everything! What if you like it so much in Camelot that you never want to come back?” William’s eyes flashed that unbearable hurt again but Merlin could see that there was also genuine fear in that look, that Will truly was worried that he’d never see him again.

“That will never happen. This is my home, its where I’m from and I won’t forget, I won’t forget you, Will, how could you even think that?” Now it was Merlin’s turn to look hurt and angry, “Don’t you even know how much I care about Ealdor? My mother? You? I don’t have anything else, you and mother are everything to me.”

“That’s not true. You have magic. Special magic Merlin, off to find bigger and better things. If what you said was true you wouldn’t be leaving.” Will’s voice dripped venom as he turned and strode away, marching across the village and over the fields towards the forest.

Merlin growled in frustration and ran his hands roughly through his hair, tugging at the roots and digging his blunt nails in to his scalp. This was not going according to plan. He was supposed to be leaving in less than a week and when he did go he did not want to be on bad terms with Will. He loved Will, the young man had been brother, friend and lover to him for far too long for this not to hurt but he couldn’t stay here for the rest of his life. He couldn’t stand the looks from some of the other villagers, couldn’t bare the thought that maybe he’d outstayed his welcome.

With a troubled sigh, Merlin set off at a brisk walk after Will, going over in his head what he could say to put things right. He found Will sitting on one of the old fallen logs by the little babbling brook that ran through the trees and in to the river further down the valley. The gentle noises of water trickling and splashing calmly over smooth pebbles soothed Merlin’s ears and he hoped the serene setting was doing the same for Will. He approached slowly and sat down on the old fallen oak next to his friend, close but not touching and he waited. They sat in silence for quite some time, listening to the water and the sound of the breeze rustling the trees all around them before Will finally spoke.

“When my dad died, you were there for me.”

Merlin stared at the leaf littered ground, hands resting on his knees; unable to look William in the eye as he replied, “That’s what you do in a family. You look out for each other.”

Will snorted softly and shook his head sadly, “We‘re not family, Merlin. I don‘t have any family now.”

“Will, why are you being like this?” Merlin asked, his voice lost and confused, “I thought you’d be happy for me…”

“When my dad died, you were there. No one else was. Why do you think that is, Merlin? I don’t have anyone else, that’s why. Everyone I ever loved has been taken away and now you’re leaving too of your own free will. Its not up to me what you do with your life but…I just thought…I don’t know. I thought you would always be around in the future too. How can I be happy you‘re going?” Will sighed, his shoulders sagging and defeated.

Merlin glanced sideways, catching the miserable look on Will’s face and he sighed, shifting closer until their knees were touching. He gripped Will’s shoulder, gently turning him until they were face to face and left his hand there as he spoke, “I’ll be back. No one and nothing could ever replace you. Not Camelot, not anyone else. You were there for me too through all my mistakes with magic and even without magic, you helped me be better.”

Will nodded, the fight leaving him as he realised that he could not change Merlin’s mind, “I’m just…I’m gonna miss you, you know?”

“I know, I’ll miss you too. But I’ll write and I can come back and visit. Maybe once I’m settled you could visit me?” Merlin tried to sound enthusiastic but the reality of leaving home was finally hitting him, the excitement fading back for a moment.

Will nodded, not really answering, not really having anything else to say now that words had failed him so; failed to convince Merlin that he was enough reason for him to stay. Instead he leaned forward in to Merlin’s touch and brought their lips together for a well practiced kiss.


I'm not as satisfied with this chapter. I reworked and reworked and ended up deleting a lot and then filling it back in. I am semi-happy with it now, I wanted there to be a little more smut but it just didn't seem right, it didn't fit in with the feel I was trying to get. I've left it out. Hopefully the last chapter will be better!

rating: pg, merlin
