Fanfic, Merlin/Will, A Spell Of Firsts (3/4)

Feb 22, 2009 23:04

Title: A Spell Of Firsts (3/4)
Pairing: Merlin/Will
Genre: Humour, fluff, some angst, some smut.
Rating: R
Length: 1949
Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing. No sue the starving student.
Warnings/spoilers: Some sexual content, no spoilers unless you count Will as a spoiler =D Unbeta’d because I am a beta and I haven’t found someone to do my own work yet *meep*
Summary: Merlin and Will share a spell of firsts that lead them to a fun friendship and an unbreakable bond.

-First touch-

The first time Merlin touched Will with the intentions of giving him pleasure, his best friend smiled and insisted they do it together.

The hay loft was warm and remarkably comfortable. On cool, breezy evenings, he and Will often climbed up the old wooden ladder and lay in the warm, fragrant hay. They would play games, talk about life and their goals or sometimes just dose after a day of work in the fields. It was better than the hard floors of their houses by far, and much more privet.

“You have done this before, haven’t you?” Will asked, as Merlin ran an experimental hand over the crotch of Will’s well worn breeches.

“What tossed you off in a hay loft? Will, you know I’ve never done this before.” Merlin looked exasperated and slightly annoyed, Will always seemed out to make his cheeks burn like a torch.

“No I mean this. Sex. You have done it before haven’t you?” Will questioned, raising his eyebrows expectantly.

“Well not exactly. I mean, there was Mary but we never actually… She let me touch her but she would never touch me.” Merlin swallowed before continuing hesitantly, “Don’t you want to…?”

“Of course I do, I just thought you might have…Already. That’s all,” Will shrugged, “I have. With Richard, you remember Richard who was a page for Sir Alwyn in Orkney? We did it a few times. It was ok, I ‘spose.” Will sounded quite indifferent when talking about his experiences. In truth, Richard had been quite careless, always in a rush for his own pleasure. It had even been a bit painful but the elation of having someone else touch him so intimately and take him so thoroughly outweighed the negatives in Will‘s mind.

“Yeah, I remember,” Merlin scowled. He had never really liked Richard much. He was older, he knew more about the world and he had taken a shining to Will when his party had rode through Ealdor last summer. Merlin hadn’t liked him at all. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Don‘t know, it never really came up. He was here, then he was gone. I didn’t expect anything, it just happened. Then he went and it was like nothing ever happened, except it did.” Will mumbled, pulling his shirt up over his head.

The young wizard watched as Will discarded his shirt over his shoulder and Merlin let his eyes rove over the expanse of pale skin. Will was filling out quite well, muscles slowly forming and strengthening from long hours in the fields and doing odd jobs at the local farms. The soft flesh of childhood was toning in to something a little more grown up. His chest was dusted with a small patch of fine, golden-brown hair, he was too young to have much of it but Will puffed his chest out proudly anyway. At sixteen, he was exactly where most sixteen year olds wanted to be: reaching their prime.

Merlin, however, felt less than ecstatic about showing off his changing body to his best friend and he fiddled with the strings of his shirt unenthusiastically. While Will seemed to grow with leaps and bounds, Merlin had grown tall and not much else. Always a thin child, he had little padding on his bones to turn to muscle, his limbs were long and gangly where he had not yet grown in to them and there were, if he counted them correctly, about four dark hairs sprouting from his breast bone. His embarrassment did not go unnoticed. Will nudged him gently with his knee.

“What’s up? Don’t you want to, now? I won’t laugh or anything, no one’s perfect. Look.” Will glanced down at himself and prodded his lower belly where the skin was soft and slightly round, a few pounds of extra weight, lingering from his chubby childhood. “We’re all different in the end, Merlin.”

Merlin stopped fiddling with his shirt and sighed. He had always felt comfortable in his body before but he was beginning to realise that for some reason, it mattered to him what Will thought of him. Will was right though, he knew better than anyone else about being different. It was just how he was. Time to accept it. He pulled his shirt over his head with one swoop and followed Will’s action, throwing it over his shoulder before leaping forward to tackle the young man in front of him.

They tumbled back in to the sweet smelling hay surrounding them, the springy mass pillowing them and scratching them deliciously at the same time. Their kisses started playful, nippy; developing quickly in to something more heated and frenzied. They had been having ‘practice kissing sessions’ for quite some time, ever since that day behind the house, the two boys had turned to each other for someone to hold on to just a bit tighter than a regular friend and besides, it was fun.

Between the sounds of soft gasps, of lips licking against lips the and the rustle of dry, hay, Merlin managed to remember to make the most of this exploration and spread his hands out over Will’s frame. His skin was smooth over his back and shoulders, the muscles firm but not hard and Merlin smiled in a new appreciation for his friend as flesh and blood. He felt entirely different to Mary who was a good deal smaller than Will, softer and with different kinds of curves. Of course, Will didn’t have pert little breasts either and when they finally stopped rolling and struggling for power over each other, Merlin could feel something hard rubbing against his thigh, something he was sure he’d never felt with Mary.

Will had moved on from his lips and was somewhere under his jaw, tonguing the skin and sucking at his neck while Merlin distracted himself with taking in the feel of Will’s upper body. He was heavy, pressing the young warlock deep in to the scratchy hay, but not suffocating and not unwelcome. Merlin was warm and excited, his own erection swelling and pressing tightly against his dusty trousers; his fingers with their short, blunt nails tore down Will’s pale back leaving pink lines all the way to the waistband of his breeches.

He worked his fingers under the rough material, his hands pressed tight against Will’s backside as the trousers refused to stretch any more and Merlin grunted softly in frustration at his inability to move them further. He dug his fingers in to the soft fleshy globes and lifted his hips, grinding their erections together and letting out a panted sentence when Will simply groaned and pressed back appreciatively.

“Will…Off! Off, now…Take them off!”

Will didn’t seem to be paying much attention, instead busying himself with running his tongue around the shell of Merlin’s ear and pinching one of his flat nibbles until Merlin squirmed and inflated his lungs enough to press harder against Will’s teasing fingertips.

A breathy chuckle came from the body above him, “Someone’s in a hurry.”

“Will,” Merlin ground out, shifting uncomfortably under Will’s weight as he tried to rock his hips and gain just a bit more friction for his aching erection. Their restrictive trousers were making it bloody difficult and Merlin had had enough, “Get them off, quick, or I’ll do it myself.”

Will beamed, “Go on then,” he dared, his voice huskier than usual.

Well aware that his trousers could very well end up in tatters by the time Merlin had finished with them, Will watched as Merlin’s long fingers reached between them to fumble and tug at the ties. He knew it would only be a matter of seconds before Merlin gave up and used magic. He was rewarded with a warm tingle as Merlin’s eyes flickered gold and the energy in the air crackled as the ties unlaces themselves, pulled themselves right out of the material and coiled like thin snakes in the hay.

Merlin gave a satisfied grin and wasted no time, quickly pushing the loose material down over Will’s hips and using his legs and feet to push them all the way off. Will, being less of a mass of excited nerves and eager butterfingers, managed to untie Merlin’s breeches and help him shuck them off without the benefit of magic.

With his heart beating wildly against his ribcage, Merlin took a few moments to soak up the sight of the both of them. He’d seen Will naked before and Will had seen him, they went swimming together all the time in the warmer months, but it had never been like this. This wasn’t seeing, this was looking and appreciating. Before he could think any more they were attached at the mouth again; drawing hungry moans and shuddering sighs from each other, rubbing and rutting like wild animals in heat.

The heat between them built quickly, stoked by jerky movements and desperate touches. Will noticed that Merlin’s eyes flashed from gold to blue and back again in flickers and sparks of colour, though the dark haired boy didn’t seem to notice, his eyes unfocused and glazed with pleasure. Merlin was clutching at Will tightly, clinging with all four limbs, arms around his back, legs bent and curled around his hips as he tried to use them for leverage to aid fast, erratic thrusts against Will’s groin.

“Merlin…Merlin, slow down, ah!” Will clenched his teeth, eyes squeezing shut as Merlin gripped his arse and pulled him yet closer, their pelvises jammed together in a delicious lock that pressed their moist, sweaty bodies together just so.

“Can’t…Can’t…Will, oh Will…Oh!” Half a dozen manic thrusts had Merlin arching and freezing under Will, his whole body trembling as his release splashed their bellies, and if the pitch fork and shovel on the floor of the hay loft lifted eight feet in to the air and started dancing with each other, he didn’t notice.

While Merlin panted and rode out his orgasmic high, Will managed a few slower, slippery thrusts against Merlin’s slick belly before groaning and stiffening himself, adding his own contribution to the sticky wetness between them. They lay in a boneless heap for many minutes, pasted together with the musky smelling evidence of their tumble in the hay and wearing wide, contented smiles as their heart beats slowed.

“Is it always like that?” Merlin asked finally, his voice breathless but clearly in wonder.

“Well, yeah, mostly. It gets better with practice though, sort of like learning with your hand all over again but more exciting because the hand belongs to someone else,” Will replied, rolling off of Merlin to lay on his back in the sharp hay and turning his head to catch Merlin’s grin.

“Practice makes perfect,” mumbled Merlin, eyes slipping closed to rest awhile.

rating: r, fan fiction, merlin
