Fanfic, Merlin/Will, A Spell Of Firsts (2/4)

Feb 21, 2009 23:45

Title: A Spell Of Firsts (2/4)
Pairing: Merlin/Will
Genre: Humour, fluff, some angst and smut later on.
Rating: PG-13, R in later chapters.
Length: 932
Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing. No sue the starving student.
Warnings/spoilers: Some sexual content, no spoilers unless you count Will as a spoiler =D Unbeta’d because I am a beta and I haven’t found someone to do my own work yet *meep*
Summary: Merlin and Will share a spell of firsts that lead them to a fun friendship and an unbreakable bond.

-First Kiss-

The first time Merlin told William that he had never kissed anyone before, his best friend was over come by a fit of laughter.

“You mean you’ve actually never kissed anyone? Not one person?” Will asked incredulously.

He himself had just come back in to the main village to find Merlin after a kissing session with Helen, the baker’s daughter. Helen was fifteen, a whole year older than Will. He wanted to ask Merlin if he had ever kissed her and what he thought about the way she wiped her mouth all the time afterwards. Merlin’s answer that, no he had never kissed Helen Baker and no, he hadn’t kissed anyone else for that matter, led William to hysterics.

“Well my mother kisses my cheeks sometimes, but I’m hardly going to kiss her like you kissed Helen, am I?” Merlin had sputtered. He could feel himself blushing all the way up to the tips of his ears.

“Yuck! No, you don’t kiss other people like you kiss your mum, that’s disgusting. When I kiss Helen, I use my tongue and teeth and stuff, and she loves it.”

Will sounded pretty sure of himself and what he had been doing, but Merlin just thought it sounded messy.

“How do you know she likes it? If she has your tongue in her mouth she can hardly say anything about it, can she?”

“Well…She makes noises and stuff.”

Merlin looked none too convinced and found himself being tugged along by his shirt sleeve until they were round the back of Will’s father’s house.

“Ok. I’m going to show you.” Taking Merlin’s shoulders, Will pulled the other boy closer until their noses were almost touching.

Merlin was nervous but not disagreeable to it, licking his lips in anticipation, he leaned in to that little space between them and closed those last few inches until they met in the middle. There was nothing particularly strange or exciting about the soft press of warm, dry lips against his mouth at first. Ok, it felt nice but really, it didn’t feel so very different to those kisses his mother dropped to his cheeks or forehead. Apart from the fact that this was taking longer and Will was certainly NOT his mother.

Then, something entirely different happened. Something warm and wet and slightly slimy ran along his bottom lip, and as he let out a surprised gasp, Merlin felt Will take the opportunity to slide that soft tongue through his lips. It took all his will power not to shut his mouth, clamp his teeth and pull away to fill his lungs with sweet clean air because, while it was not horrible, it was strange having Will’s tongue in his mouth.

He was about to pull away and tell Will just this, the other boy’s eyes were shut and he did not seem to be paying attention, when Will’s tongue found his own and all of a sudden it was much, much more than just two mouths pressed together. All at once, his heart was pounding, his cheeks were warming and Will was rubbing and curling and sucking and oh! Merlin’s tongue uncurled at the suction, obeying Will’s command and sliding easily in to the cavern of Will’s mouth to do some rubbing and curling of it’s own.

In hind sight, it was not the best kiss Merlin ever shared with anyone, it wasn’t even the best kiss he shared with Will. It was wet and sloppy and a bit clumsy as Will tried to suck and nibble at Merlin’s lower lip and Merlin lifted his head too far, clacking their teeth and shoving his tongue in a bit too far. They pulled apart with a soft, wet smacking sound, breathing heavily as they looked at each other wearing huge grins.

“So, what do you think?” Will asked.

“Oh, it was…Ok,” replied Merlin, completely unaware that his eyes, as he gazed at Will with a teasing stare, were gold and glinting.

“Just ok? Come on, it was better than ok for your first go. Be honest, you enjoyed it. The earth even moved for you!” Will’s smug grin made Merlin roll his eyes.

“It did not, don’t look so pleased with yourself.”

“Oh yeah? Explain that, then.” Will laughed, breaking eye contact to look around them at a collection of twigs and leaves floating in waves and circles around them, dipping and diving and slowly returning to the floor as if on a soft wind.

“Oh alright,” Merlin grumbled, “Maybe just a little.”

fan fiction, rating: pg, merlin
