Fic: Merlin/Will: A Spell Of Firsts (1/4)

Feb 20, 2009 23:17

Title: A Spell Of Firsts (1/4)
Pairing: Merlin/Will
Genre: Humour, fluff, some angst and smut in later chapters.
Rating: PG-13, R later on.
Length: 960
Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing. No sue the starving student.
Warnings/spoilers: Some sexual content in later chapters, no spoilers unless you count Will as a spoiler =D Unbeta’d because I am a beta and I haven’t found someone to do my own work yet *meep*
Summary: Merlin and Will share a spell of firsts that lead them to a fun friendship and an unbreakable bond.
A/N: Ok, this started out as a one shot and turned into a part multi-chapter thing. I just hope there are some more Merlin/Will fans out there who will enjoy this. This fic is for doomcanary, who had a crappy week and wanted Merlin/Will as much as I did. I hope this is a little ray of sunshine in between those clouds!

-First spell-

They were eight years old and care free as they ran around the village leaving little foot prints in pristine snow and throwing handfuls of the fluffy white stuff at each other. They played near the village pond, the earth solid and glittering during winter’s long sigh over the countryside. The grass near the water crunched under their feet with frozen dew, the ground hard and fallen leaves with frozen veins snapped, brittle beneath their shoes. Merlin’s eight year old mind wondered at how the cold made everything so hard and yet so fragile. How the bite of every snowflake stung the skin of his face and hands and yet they were so easily destroyed between his fingers.

“Merlin! Come and look!” Will had laughed, his podgy little face red from the chill on the air, “Watch this!” Will had already taken his first few skidding steps on to the frozen pond water by the time Merlin reached the bank.

“Mother says we shouldn’t play on the pond, the ice might break. Will, come back, I don’t like the look of it…Look it’s gone all slushy in the middle.” Merlin pointed to the middle of the pond, which was not huge but considerably large and slowly melting in the centre. His heart pounded against his rib cage as he watched William slide a few feet across the ice, first on one foot and then back on the other.

“Ha-ha, scaredy cat! It won’t break around the edge, look it’s still all hard over here,” To emphasise his point, the little boy tapped his foot firmly on the ice and grinned at the distressed look on the other boy’s face. “Come on, trust me!”

And Merlin did trust him, more than anyone else in the world. Biting his lip and watching the ice with trepidation, Merlin took his first few tentative, slippery steps out on to the ice. Will stood quite a few feet in front of him, holding out his hands to Merlin to take if he was brave enough to venture out as far as he.

“See, Merlin, I told you we’d be fine.”

Will should have known better than to say something like that because even at such a tender young age, Merlin had seen enough things go wrong to know that when something goes to plan it can easily, and inevitably, turn bad very quickly. He also knew that the down fall could be so much harder than a simple bump.

That cursed down fall came when William lost his balance during a particularly precarious slide towards the middle of the pond, and fell over his own feet. The boy stumbled forward, arms flailing in the air to try and right himself. The ice made a snapping, splintering sound and Merlin watched, horrified as Will tumbled down on to his hands and knees.

The sickening sounds of the thin ice cracking and the echo of his own heart beat drumming wildly in his ears blocked the rest of the world from Merlin’s mind. Before he knew what he was doing, his hand was outstretched, his eyes were flashing golden and his friend was levitating quite a few inches above the gaping hole in the ice.

How they both made it back to the bank and in to a heap on the freezing ground by the pond, Merlin would never remember. What he would always remember was the look of pure exaltation and awe shining in Will’s eyes.

“You…You just…You’re eyes have gone funny.” Will whispered as he gaped at Merlin.

Merlin squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed them, feeling the pulsing energy of magic and adrenaline in his veins throb slowly back to normality. When he opened his eyes, Will was still sitting there in a heap beside him, captivated.

“They’re blue again, Merlin.”

This time, Will’s voice was quiet and contemplative and Merlin’s heart sank because at that moment he began to think his mother was right. No one could possibly understand him, he didn’t even understand himself.

“I wish I could do that,” Will said softly, “Can you teach me?”

That voice, laced with all the sensitivity an eight year old could possess, gave Merlin back that little glimmer of hope, though he was still wary as he shook his head.

“No. Mother says I was born like this because I’m special. I don’t know why I can do it, it just happens sometimes. I didn’t learn, I just…Did it.” Merlin waited with bated breath as Will seemed to mull over his response.

“Oh. Ok. Do you want to have a snow ball fight then? No cheating though!”

And just like that, William was off at a trot, throwing himself around in the snow to collect as much as he could for ammo. Merlin grinned madly and tore off to gather his own snow balls.

