Title: Dong Le (Understood)
Characters: Heechul/OC
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Length: Chaptered
A/N: Each chapter is a stand-alone and would each have a different pairing. Story based on the song by Tank entitled "Dong Le."
Summary: Rui is puzzled about Kim Heechul.
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It feels weird, reading and imagining me and Chulae once again, I felt distant at first, kind of like rekindling a spark in me.nanchatte~ XD
I was really laughing as I read, saying expressions like "hai?" "Gehk!" "kyaa~" it was cheesy, I gotta admit. haha! but I love it either way. ^^
hmm, somehow, this seems like a summary and ending to our story/relationship (Chulae and mine).
Thanks for taking time and effort to write it. -^_._^- and for keeping your word this time. Gokurosan~ jungmahl kamsahae~!
np...i'm sorry it took so long...i had different plots in mind but i just can't put them into words...until this one...
summary? ending? yah! are you saying goodbye to heechul-hyung?
i always try to keep my words...it's just that time and many other factors have been getting in the way...i had been too busy...
^-^ i hope you liked it!
Been a while but...still...
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