Feb 02, 2015 23:54

As you may or may not know, it's festivids time again!!!

You can find the complete list of all the vids if you follow this link. And I will make a rec post with my favorites as soon as I've had time to leave them feedback. I think they deserve to hear it first, before I tell everyone else about it. ;)

BUT! What I can't wait to tell you is that I am the luckiest gal in the whole wide world because I received TWO beautiful and perfect vids! ♥ ♥

Sorted by fandom, in alphabetical order, because I refuse to play favorites:

Worthy of Survival, a Gravity vid


Thinking Out Loud, a Queer as Folk UK vid.

They are both perfect in their own ways and I can't believe how lucky I am for receiving such great gifts. ♥______♥

And I will tell you what vid I made as soon as it is revealed.

saba1789I did a festivids marathon on Saturday. She didn't know which vid I'd made. And my vid was indeed amongst the three possibilities she guessed at the end of it! And I was super awed that she thought I was good enough to have been able to make the other two. :3

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