Today I got up at 6:30 am, got ready for University. And then didn't go. Because University actually only starts next week. Which I didn't know but was thankfully told by
toasterdog before I was out the door. Wow that would have sucked otherwise!
But everyone is going crazy insane about the semester project already. My vain hopes of maybe once having individual instead of team projects was destroyed this morning. "Please form teams of 4 or 5 students until October 22nd." Pffsh.
Cue everybody throwing their arms in the air and screaming while running around aimlessly.
It's just like high school. Everyone is still afraid of being picked last. You'd think we'd outgrown that and gotten more confident. But I guess the geek percentage is too high for that in my study course.
Then there's the fact that we have a couple of true geniuses and then a whole lot of people who can't do anything. And if you end up in a group with them you are pretty much fucked. Because then you will end up with a shitty project, more grief and annoyance than you can shake a stick at, a bad mark (if you care about such things) and no project for Bachelor, because we are expected to finish this project as our Bachelor project. ... Thanks, University.
Then there's also the fact that you need at least one Coder in your team. It's an interdisciplinary study course and the Coders make up the smallest section of students and they are in high demand.
Which means so far I have two groups of non-Coders asking me if I want to join their group.
Here's the thing. I always do my projects with Til and Martin. We are utter suck when it comes to Project Management. But we all three are more or less equally good in Design and Coding. So we always have good projects that fail because of non-existent Project Management. +g+ But that still puts us waaaay ahead of all the teams without a Coder. Because you simply don't have anything to show without one. Whereas without PM you have a whole lot to show that amounts to nothing in the end. +g+
Everyone is aware of this, so every semester we (Til, Martin and me) get asked by non-Coders if we want to team up with them. And however flattering this may seem, I hate it. Because it's obviously for completely selfish reasons and not because they just ~*like*~ me. God beware. And it also means that you have to do the Coding aspect. And yes, I can code if I have to. And I do actually like coding. But I still want to be a Designer and would of course also prefer to do the Design.
Martin is in Ireland this year. Leaving Til and me. And Til and I have done every single project during our studies together. And will be working on our AR elective project together this semester. I still have to ask Til what his thoughts are, but I think it may not be the worst idea to not work together for once.
Which means I'll have to do Coding this year. But well, I still have OTW for all my Designing needs. +g+ And some more coding experience may not be the worst idea. Or maybe do Project Management for once. I learned an awful lot from observing
samvara, so why not test it out? And annoy her all through the semester when I run into problems and need advice. xD
But yeah, all groups have loads of Management/Marketing/Design people. It's just the coding people that are Coding it is, I guess.
HAHAHAHA do you want to know the topic though? I swear to God, they are completely shitfaced when they come up with these things! Topic this year will be "Ambient Intelligence." Fuck yeah! +topples over laughing+
But what it basically comes down to is: Tangible Interfaces. We will have to do hardware as well as software this semester. Get out the
Arduino board, the sensors and the Lego and build us some prototypes.
Which is okay enough, I'm glad we don't have to do web bullshit for once. But "Ambient Intelligence"? REALLY?! I swear if it turns out that is actually an official term? ... I wouldn't actually be surprised. It just proves again that some people shouldn't be allowed to name anything.
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