You put zombie and you put eerie in the title and I don't wanna do it!

Mar 26, 2009 22:35

I really haven't been very social network-y in the last two weeks. I'm working on redeeming myself. The last two days I've made posts, answered the comments (well, most of the time) and kept up with reading my flist! I hope I can keep up with it. +g+

But you know what I've been doing in the last few days weeks? I worked a lot (girl gotta eat), but I've also have a new obsession. And this new one is by far the lamest I have ever had! It's basically a Giga revival, it's that lame. Come to think of it, they do have a lot in common! /o\

Okay, ready to meet my new way to waste time?

Weekly video podcast that discusses the most popular stories on, starring Alex Albrecht (on the left) and Kevin Rose (on the right).

Basically I'm watching a show where two guys (one has a PC and one has a Mac) sit on a couch, drink beer and talk trash. And get completely wasted during the course of the episode.

I'm watching crazy drunk perverts, is what this is really.

Most of the time, they just sit in Kevin's or Alex' appartment and do the show from there. But they also have live shows, where thousands of people come to watch them sit on a couch on the stage, reading aloud articles digg users found on the internet and cheer them on while they drink one beer after another. xD (If they did one around here I would totally go by the by)
I saw one show where they sat around on the strip in Las Vegas, drinking ridiculously large, girly cocktails with umbrellas in them. Sometimes they hang out in hotel rooms. And stuff like that.

See those bottles? They are from one show, halfway through! xD


rofl I actually picked all the horrible caps on purpose, I just love it when they look like HUGE DORKS!


Okay, okay check it: If Barney Stinson would really exist and was a geek, he would be Alex Albrecht and Kevin Rose. Because obviously the awesomness of Barney Stinson cannot be contained in one human being, so he has to be split up between those two.

I just laugh my ass off every single episode and also get to hear about the most absurd stories.

Blowjobs vs cheese! They had an extensive discussion on this one. If you had to go without cheese or blowjobs for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Alex was the only one who said blowjobs, Kevin and the rest of the crew went with cheese on the grounds of cheese occuring more often than blowjobs.

If a bro (yes, they say "bro" all the time, also "dude". And "fuck"! They say "fuck" once every scentence, so now I say "fuck" all the time as well, because I always copy those things subconsciously, I don't actually want to talk like them, it just happens!). Anyway. If a bro twists his balls and he is in pain and he can't untwist them on his own, because he can't move he's in so much pain, would you help him? Would you untwist his balls? Kevin and Alex agreed that you have to help a bro out in that case. It's nothing you want to do, it just something you have to do.

And they have stuff like that every episode. These discussions where you think: Are they really talking about this? In front of a camera? Oh they are? Oh. Okay.

There's one episode out there where Kevin gets so wasted he throws up on Alex' couch. I shit you not! And they have it on tape and it made the cut and it's in the episode. And I kind of want to see it, only I really, really don't want to. So far I haven't but it's only a question of time until I break and then I will watch it and then I'll be scarred for life.

The crew is also really fun! There's Glenn, who's like the cameraman/editor of the show. Everyone calls him Hippie/Hippie!Glenn, because he's Vegan and hemp is his answer to everything and he's just a hardcore greenie I guess. I don't know, he's just really funny.

Oooh and Prager! OMFG Prager is awesome! He's the producer I think? But boooy is he spaced out! He's really not the brightest but that just makes him more awesome! Dude! Reccently some drunken or high or whatever guy broke into Prager's appartment while he was there and instead of kicking him out or calling the police or whatever normal people would do, he tweeted about it!!! And at some point he decided that tweeting wasn't good enough, so he filmed the whole thing, streamed it live on the web and linked to it on twitter. I saw it! That's Prager for you! xD

Okay, guys. Alex Albrecht. He is engaged and I feel kinda sorry for his fiancé only I think he is an awesome person to have as a husband. He has the most crazy dog, called Montana. Plays World of Warcraft all day long, actually does a show about World of Warcraft. He also likes boobs. And likes to talk about boobs at length. I actually know more about him than I care to know, but he just throws it all out there. He is also funny as all hell. And starts and ends every sentence with "Dudebro!" Really. xD

Kevin Rose, hahaha. I find him a bit sexy, I'm not gonna lie to you. He is fucking opinionated and is really a bit of an arrogant ass. Only, he is a very likable arrogant ass, he is so charming about it that you don't really mind. Seriously, one charming fucker. He also reminds me so much about someone I know, it's a bit creepy actually. Gosh I'm ashamed about what a douche that guy is, but I don't even care. He's always like "Oooh look at me, I'm a entrepeneur blaaahblahblah" whereas Alex is like "Whatever, McDonalds and boobs!"

Fact: There is nothing better in this whole wide world than Alex and Kevin's dating tips. It always makes you wonder how they ever pulled any chicks in their life. But it's an unbelievable source of entertainment. Those dorks!!!

Alex: I have this question I had the other day. Would you become a vampire?
Kevin: No. Why?
Alex: Yeah! Live forever! Fuck that shit!
Kevin: Yeah, but you're always pissed and hissing.
Alex: I don't care. Whatever! I'll hiss.
Kevin: You can't do shit during the day...
Alex: Pfff, whatever. Who cares? Days suck.
Kevin: That's not true.
Alex: Well, nights are cool!
Kevin: Well, you can't go snowboarding during the night.
Alex: Yeah you can! I'm a fucking vampire! I can just fly into wherever I want!
Kevin: You can fly?! That's your answer? You can fly into wherever you want?
Alex: Yeah! Let's say you go to Mammut and they're like: "Dude! The thing's closed." And you're: "Really? I'm a vampire. I'm gonna kill you, eat your face and then I'm gonna snowboard."
Kevin: No international flights!
Alex: Why not?
Kevin: If it's over 8 hours, there's light.
Alex: I'm gonna fly myself.
Kevin: You still die then.
Alex: Well. It is pretty tiering. [makes flapping movements] Fuck! I should have taken Lufthansa!
Kevin: Lufthansa is amazing!
Alex: Lufthansa is great, they have those dark rooms... Dude! If I'm a vampire and I've been around for 500 years, I could afford a private jet and I'd be like "Bro! If you don't fly towards the sun I'm gonna eat you!"

I'm gonna stop now, it only gets worse (speak: hilarious) after that. Check it out yourself, if you want to. +g+


Maybe my favourite moment in internet history, Kevin and Alex talking about 71" cocks:

image Click to view

Or maybe this is my favourite moment in internet history (which I had to upload on imeem, because photobucket doesn't like it and youtube always takes hours before the video is actually available online. But diggnation is released under creative commons, so it's totally cool, ha!)

Alex gets boobs
"Yes it does Kevin! Nobody wants their nipples off!"

Kevin Rose's house is on fire!

And if you now think: Wow, I want to watch this! (and why shouldn't you) then go to and you can watch all the nearly 200 episodes they've done so far! You can stream it or download it in a myriad of different versions!

Possibly my favourite episode so far is episode 167, because Kevin is adorable and hilarious when he's drunk and boy is he drunk in that one! And Alex threatens the viewers that he and Kevin will come to their home, have sex on their couch and then leave! And I'm really not shipping them, but they touch each other an awful lot there! Also! "Show me your genitals, pt 2". \o/
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