This is what they make you take the medication for

Jan 31, 2008 23:47

Oh my God! No one told me!!!

Last I heard they were still shooting the video. But omgomgomgogmmgomg! New Aesop Rock video!!!

Also bestest video of best videos ever forever in the history of evers! For realz! xD

Aesop Rock - Coffee (feat. John Darnielle from the Mountain Goats) SQUEE!

image Click to view

It's one of my very favourite tracks from the album, if not the favourite track. And the video is just perfect old-school no-budget splatter trash. Crack attack y'all. I went wtfrofl all the way through. Oh Aesop you so crazy awesome. \o/

And I have neither an Aesop Rock nor a zombie icon. What a sad world we are living in.

music is love, aesop rock, youtube

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