winter holidaaaaayyyys

Dec 25, 2007 12:39

OMG YOU GUYS!!!! +clings+ I was without Internet! For three days!!! THE SHEER HORROR!!! (Well, actually it wasn't that bad, if it wouldn't have been for the fact that I needed access for University type things)

But more important:
I wish you all a merry merry Christmas and joyful holidays!

And wickedground, dir noch nachträglich alles liebe zum Geburtstag! :D

And now yuletide. Because 5 AD fics, 3 in BoB, 5 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, 11 30 Rock, 2 Blades of Glory, 3 Brothers & Sisters, 6 Chuck, 14 Criminal Minds, 1 Hard Core Logo, 6 Live Free or Die Hard, 4 QAFUK, 1 The Royal Tenenbaums, 12 Slings & Arrows and I have every intention to read every single one of them. However bad they may be. +g+

Also, WTF Classical Composers RPF? xD

birthday, christmas

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