Nov 11, 2008 20:30
I do not know what is this thing of which you speak. ;-)
However, had a good evening at a dinner at the Ithaca Country Club with my small section- (got lost on the way there but that was fun too- in its way), possibly (pathetically) the first 'social' type event I've been to all semester. Highlight of the evening was having our table (except one) all agree that, if Michelle were out of the picture (Heaven forbid because we love her too), we'd be lining up to date Barack Obama. Talk about a line to include in my resume- I want to date Barack Obama. ;-)
(And we all agreed that law school has eaten our brains and taken over our lives-- which isn't a good thing, by the way.)
Would like to mention Veterans Day-- I didn't realize that today was the 90th anniversary of World War I ending and was very moved at the picture of the 3 living WWI veterans at the ceremony in England. (Excuse me while I pause and reflect on that. Those men are more than 110 years old... Wow. Just... wow.) I <3 World War I (that sounds crazier than I expected- let me rephrase that)- it's a time period I appreciate studying about and (in some ways) it means more to me than stories of any other war this century (for which I blame LM Montgomery, incidentally) but it's true-- heck, it means more than just about any other war ever fought, with the possible exception of the Civil War and the American Revolution. Happy (if Happy it can be called) Remembrance Day (a much better name than Veterans Day, anyway). I'm not sure what it says about me that I was thinking about what happened on this day in 'The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club'. And on this day, let's take a moment to remember Woodrow Wilson. He had his faults but he was right to get us into World War I (should have gotten us in sooner but that's a moot point); he was right about the terms of the Versailles Treaty, and he was right about the League of Nations. I remain convinced (and writing a paper on this didn't change my opinion) that his problem was being ahead of his time (by about a generation). We can't blame him for that, although history hasn't been kind to him, I, at least, will defend him.
law school