Aug 09, 2006 01:41
Well... I guess there's a pretty good chance that I'm going to lose my job. Oh well. It's fast food, I don't intend on staying there the rest of my life.
Shot myself in the leg with my darts... again. It bled profusely, but who cares.
My best friend is being ripped away from me on Thursday... I don't know what I'm gonna do without him. For the past 3-4 years he's been my crutch for support, and I for him. He's my brother, my other half. We ARE the Twinship. Caramon and Raistlin. "By Thor's Hammer, Mjollnir..."
Only he and I together can finish that phrase... I want so badly to cry but I can't. My body has forgotten the methods to cry... this comes from my "Be the strong one..." attitude... But I don't know how to be anything other than that.
Other than that, I guess life is good... I hung out with Richard today. We played Paper Mario and went to Hose and Taco Bell... it was a good release on life. We also played trust game with Andy's ripped shirt.
I guess thats really all I have to say right now... See ya...
Joshypants, this is for you... though the song may be AIMED at couples, I think it fits...
Without You
The Ground Thaws
The Rain Falls
The Grass Grows
Without You
The Seeds Root
The Flowers Bloom
The Children Play
The Stars Gleam
The poets dream
The Eagles Fly
Without You
The Earth Turns
The Sun Burns
But I Die
Without You
Without You
The Breeze Warms
The Girls Smiles
The Cloud Moves
Without You
The Tides Change
The Boys Run
The Oceans Crash
The Crowd Roars
The Days Soar
The Babies Cry
Without You
The Moon Glows
The River Flows
But I Die
Without You
The World Revives
Colors Renew
But I Know
Only Blue
Lonely Blue
Within Me, Blue
Without You
Without You
The Hand Gropes
The Ear Hears
The Pulse Beats
Without You
The Eyes Gaze
The Legs Walk
The Lungs Breathe
The Mind Churns
The Heart Yearns
The Tears Dry
Without You
Life Goes On
But I'm Gone
Cause I Die
Without You
Without You
Without You
Without You