I finished my video today and it was a lot of work, but I’m happy with the result. I watched James Bond a few weeks ago and when I heard the song Die Another Day by Madonna I couldn’t get it out of my head and I thought that this would be a great song for a video. So, I sat down last week and began to work on it and after almost three hours I was done with the first 18 seconds. Yes, I’m not lying ...18 full seconds, maybe you’ll understand why it took me so long after you saw the vid.
Then I thought the rest couldn’t be that hard, ...well not when you are working with the Windows Movie Maker. I’m used to it that it freezes very often, therefore I save my work every five minutes and I don’t have the problem that I lose something.
But this time the program had problems with a few clips and I couldn’t see the points where one clip ends and the other clip begins. So, I had to save the unfinished vid as a film file everytime and watch it with the Windows Movie Player to see if the clips fit with the music.
But now the vid is done and I like it a lot; I hope you’ll also like it. =)
Die Another Day
Vidder: bine83
Song: Die Another Day by Madonna
Format: WMV file
Series: CSI-LV
Subject: Nick Stokes vid
Warning: Spoilers up to Season 7!
Link to Download:
Click here