One Unique Day

Feb 01, 2006 23:07

So, to start things off, I shouldn't even be physically able to write this, considering the work I've done today, but I've reached a point of tiredness where I don't actually feel the urge to sleep anymore. I've fallen into the haze of delerium. Why am I delerious, you might ask?

I first woke up at 7:15 so that I could prepare myself for the up-coming debate in my ENG102 class. I was the rebuttal, so my preparation was less of speech-writing and more of actually trying to look nice while practicing comebacks for whatever the other team might toss at me. And yes, I did in fact wear pants on this occasion. It was crazy, I know.
Anywho, (I spell it that way on purpose, don't ask why)...anywho, I found that I was a little tired when I went to meet my group to pactice again before the event. This was at nine and the debate would begin at ten. To remedy this tiredness, I grabbed a Full Throttle Fury or something along those lines and downed it. Now, I should remind everybody that I usually don't get very much caffeine in my diet, so when I do, the results tend to be spectacular.
Okay, into the debate, and my group's going first. Our arguements are alright, but the other group is finding all our weak-points. I tried to get my group to take a defensible stance, but they didn't understand why we'd be doomed with our present one. Anyhow, it came to my turn, and I was rather energetic by this time. I don't at all remember what I said, but I do remember my group telling me I did great. The only thing I remember clearly was my last line, "Gentlemen (other team was entirely male), I'm done with ye. Do your worst, I surrender the floor!"
Afterwards, the other team's rebuttal saw through all my feints, found the weakest parts and butchered us. All the same, our team managed to bring in four out of ten votes, which either meant we didn't lose too badly or we got a litte sympathy. Or, it could have been that I entertained the crowd so much that they gave performance points. YAY!
So, class ends at 10:50. At 11:15, I headed over to the SUB (Hall) for my scheduled blood-donation. Yes, I realize now that getting tanked up on caffeine soon before a blood-donation probably wasn't the best of ideas, but they'd already stuck me before I even though twice about it. In my defense, the pre-donation questions have never said anything about energy-drinks, and if it does end up being a problem, the tests will show it and the blood will be tossed. No problem.
In any case, I did take into account that energy-drinks are natural diarrhetics, which tend to flush all the water out of one's body, so I chugged lots of water throughout the day. So, by now I'm crazy on caffeine and minus a pint 'o' blood. I ate lunch, went to my other classes, then vegged out in my room for a while before going to my RHA/RHLC meetings.
During the RHA meeting, I found out the present Treasurer had chosen to resign due to problems maintaining his GPA, which means that somebody needs to fill the spot until the end of the academic year. It was either that or
1)have the other exec. officers split the work (not happenin') or
2)have the same person who wins the elections for next year's Treasurer also be the Treasurer for the final part of this year.
Sadly, after they'd told us about this, they admitted that not one person had applied to be next year's Treasurer, and the paperwork was supposed to be due two days ago. So, not only do they not have a Treasurer ofter Ben's two-week notice passed, but they also don't have anybody for next week. Now, I can imagine that you're having trouble figuring out why you should cae about all this, but I swear it's relevant. You see, I decided today that I would apply for the spot. It's all very out-of-the-blue, which is making part of my brian freak-out, but I've thought about it for a while, and it's the sort of work I would like to and could do. That, and it would be a good resume-builder that pays cash. Now, all I have to do is convince the RHA body that I can pull it off...
Now, if I get the temp-job, then I can still be and RA next year, and if I apply to be Treasurer next year and get accepted for both the RA and Tr. jobs, I can choose between them, in which case I'd be most likely to go for the RA job.

So, let's see, since I've woken up, I've either been in-class or at meetings for about 10 hours today, mostly while caffeine-rushed and bloodless. And right now, I'm rapidly becoming tired in a way that allows for sleep. I think I'll do that. Later, everybody!
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