Dear Channel 10,

Oct 22, 2010 16:37

 It's getting close to Christmas, the time when there's nothing much on TV, and this year, I'm hoping for something more than re-runs of Christmas-themed Simpsons episodes under my proverbial tree. Yes, that's right. I want more than just the specials, more than "Love, Actually" for the five-hundredth time (even though I do adore that movie).

I think by now you should know where I'm heading with this. Rare is it that you get a good British TV show, but every now and then you strike a gem that really ought to be on the ABC. But let's not go there. The point is, that Merlin season 3 is already out in the UK, keeping the fangirls happy... but here? We're still waiting. Honestly, I need my Merlin fix. And if you don't give it to me by the end of my summer break, I'm going to download it illegally, and go to jail. And you don't want that on your conscience, do you, Channel 10?

Anyway, I don't want to push you. This is more of a light suggestion... I need my Merlin. Okay?


With regards,

Disgruntled Fantard.

NOTE: No downloads were performed in the writing of this journal. :)

channel 10, fangirlism, merlin, the simpsons, letter, love actually

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