May 07, 2008 22:42
I'm trying to imagine the 1st Obama McCain debate. Actually, I don't care about the debate. I care about the commentary after the debates. Droves of thoughtless pundits and politicians taking every possible caution to not sound racist... And there will be failures, oh YES! People are gonna slip, and out will come flowery bouquets of racism dressed as cautious candor. Other pundits and politicians will call them on it. Figureheads will demand apologies and firings.
And then an extremely racist person will try to defend the 1st person, and make everything worse.
"Ya see, I don't think that's what he meant. I've known xxxxx xxxx. I've worked with him. But when he said black people are lazy, he simply meant black people don't like to work. That's not the same thing."
As far as video entertainment this summer it goes: Batman, racist-slip-ups-about-Obama, Indiana Jones. That's right, more than Indy, and I'll tell you why. There are 3 Indiana Jones movies. I've never seen the video clip of Joe Scarborough launching the n-word at Al Sharpton. I am so there.
It's actually already started. MSNBC had a discussion on race in the presidential campaign. A black woman was explaining to Pat Buchanan that Obama's ethnicity wasn't a free ticket to the primaries. Pat Buchanan interrupted her by saying "listen, would ya shut up for a second?" Just an appetizer for what's to come.