Jun 01, 2004 00:29
I don't like rude people. I don't like people I don't know being rude to me. I don't like unprovoked violence. I especially don't like stupid people thinking that my perception of the world is brought below their level when I'm intoxicated.
As you all know, from personal experience, drunkenness does not make you a monkey, it makes you a less inhibited, less coordinated version of yourself. If I am an atheist, and drink, I'm a drunk atheist. If I'm against drunk driving, and drink, I'm a drunk person that doesn't like the idea of drunk people driving. If I know my limit of hand eye coordination in correlation to alcohol, and drink, I'm a person who knows I'm fucked up.
In the future, if I ever do drink in excess again, I would like everyone to know that I have no delusions about the effects of alcohol on my body and mind and have no need for people to baby sit me, wipe my ass or change my diapers. When I reach my limit, I stop drinking and tell the people near me that I'm done drinking. I never vomit from alcohol, because I avoid the types and amounts of alcohol that make me vomit. I never ignore my blood alcohol level and get into a vehicle capable of killing myself and others. I never start fights with people when I'm drunk because I don't like starting fights when I'm sober. I don't get radically immature, I don't try and rape girls, I don't try and take advantage of girls that don't know their limits. I don't do anything you may want me to avoid doing, unless you don't like me stumbling about and laughing. If that is the case, then don't have me drink, a simple quiet request would be all that is needed for me to not imbibe alcohol in your place of residence.
If anyone reads this and decides to babysit me anyways, I'll take it as a personal insult and an attack on my intelligence and my character. And I will leave the party. If you are paranoid about me driving drunk, this may be slightly counter productive. For those who wonder what the terms of me leaving the party would be: I will enter my vehicle. If I do not feel it is safe for my vehicle and I to remain in the immediate area, I will drive very slowly around the block to a place I feel it is safe for me to remain. I will remain in that safe location until I am positive that I can drive safely. Driving safely when there is a hint of alcohol in my system; as in 1 drink, that means one beer, one shot, one mixed drink, whatsoever in the last hour; means driving under the speed limit and ignoring every emotion that is normally associated with driving. I drove methodically and as carefully as I can possibly imagine. Many grown men, and women believe that one drink will not effect them and that they can drive at full capacity. This is not true, and so I take appropriate precautions. Having more than a handful of drinks makes driving not safe in any regard however and if I have recently had more than 4 drinks, I will not drive at all.
Now no one should have to worry about me and no one should have to babysit me.