Nov 29, 2006 23:24
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 12 weird things/habits about themselves. People who get tagged will write a blog of 12 weird habits/things they have and should state this rule clearly. At the end choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
1) I like confined spaces.
2) I've always wanted a big brother and I think that's why I'm so attached to Pete.
3) I have the hardest time saying 'no' to anyone about anything if it's not what they want to hear.
4) When I'm home my mom stresses me out more than my papers at times.
5) Sometimes I think I'm not smart enough for Hampshire.
6) I have a hard time believing/accepting compliments.
7) I associate people with their jacket or backpack colors.
8) I have horrible self confidence.
9) When I join a new group of anything I sit on the sidelines and watch until I figure out my exact place in that group before I really get involved.
10) My mom ruined kanagroos for me.
11) I sometimes can't tell if I'm lying or not.
12) I love learning.