Aug 27, 2005 11:51
So... yeah... a bit upset right now. I didn't wanna say anything till i knew for sure but i guess im getting surgery soon. the exact date is sept 15th. don't worry i should be ok till then i guess i have a bilateral inguinal hurnia. in short my itestines are popping through my muscles and getting strangled so there is a chance that they could pop and i would die... so lol im getting it taken care of as soon ASAP to say the least. i will be out of commision for at least two weeks so if you dont see me im resting and healing... so for al of you who havee feel free to give me a call but i wont promise to remember in my medicated state... BLAH so enough of the bad news i just htought yould like to know about that. in december i should be testing for my black beltt im super excited about this. I have been teaching more and more at my school and even had my first solo class which went very well i think. O ther then thhat im staying in this weekend doing some relaxing before school starts next week... YYYYYYYAAAAAYYYYY for hours on end in the art studio... i fucking luv it... you all have to come up and visit sometime... :)