The Year 2005:
[P E O P L E]
1. Best friends? a lot
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? none :(
3. Lost any friends? just some that moved
4. Gained any friends? yes of course
5. Met a new good friend? yesss
[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? i dont think i did
2. New school? nope
3. How many times on an airplane this year? 4
4. Road trips? just to Joshua Tree and Yosemite
5. Moved? nope
[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? always
2. New look? new hair styles
3. Any new addictions? more of myspace and lj
4. Biggest conflict this year? i can remember this, deciding whether to audition for the boyfriend
5. Most depressed time this year? stress of this school year
[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? nooo
2. Did you get heartbroken? no
3. Who was your summer love? someone but it will never work out so w/e
4. How many boyfriends/girlfriends this year? none :(
5. Favorite date? ehhh
[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? spring
2. Least favorite season? rainy summer
3. Good birthday? well everything went wrong but it was fun. i dunno if that makes sense.
4. Any snow this year? when i went to sequoia
5. Highest temperature? uber hot
[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
1. Snuck out? not out of my house
2. Met a person who will change ur life? yes
3. Kept your resolution? did i have one? if it was to stop biting my nails, then no
4. Got arrested? haha no
5. Had a first something? yes
6. Drank Alcohol? had sips
7. Smoked weed/drugs? noooo
8. Did anything illegal? jay walking? riding on handlebars?
9. Kissed a boy/girl? both
10. Had a crush? yesssss
11. Liked someone who didn't like you? of course
12. Lost a family member? yes, a second cousin. i was really upset at the time
13. Got bad grades? i have two b's :(
14. Got suspended? nooooo
15. Moved states? nooooo
16. Got a myspace? already had one
17. Learned an instrument? nope
18. Started a band? i wish
19. Spent over 1 million dollars? noooo
20. Went streaking? nope
21. Done something you shouldn't have? uhh ya
22. Kept a secret? yess
23. Told a secret ? probably something small
24. Done something you totally regret? yess
25. Changed your view on things? minimally