Title: A life once ordinary
Chapter: Three
Author: bimupp
Pairing: Hermione/Luna
Rating: PG, just to be on the safe side
Disclaimer: I own nothing. they´re all J.K Rowling´s characters, I´m just playing with them.
Summary: Hermione has a rude awakening. Literally.
A/N: Remeber that reviews are love and give my sometimes sleeping muse a kick in the butt!
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That´s a cultural clash, we normally use - in Swedish so I started out with that, but I´ve learned that Brits normally use " I just haven´t gone round to fix that in the previous chapters yet.
If it was something other than that you were thinking about please let me know.I welcome all kinds of feedback since English is not my mother tongue and I want to improve.And this being British English specifically is very important to me.
"Where did I leave my sweater Ginny asked Luna. I can't find it."
I don't know whether this is how you would write in it Swedish, but in English it should be
"Where did I leave my sweater?" Ginny asked Luna. "I can't find it."
Only the dialog itself should be in quotation marks.
^_^ Hope this helped! By the way, if you ever need a beta, I'm free!
Not I question your superior knowledge of the English language in any way but is three sentences out of that really necessary, or can this do:
"Where did I leave my sweater?," Ginny asked Luna. "I can´t find it."
Any road, as they say in Yorkshire, thank you very much for helping me!:D
Only the dialogue,(dialog is American English according to http://lexin.nada.kth.se/sve-eng.html;)itself should be in quotation mark- got it:D
That´s kind of you but I have an excellent one already, ever since the last chapter. She´s editing my one-shot "24/7" at the moment so the betaed version of that will be up soon if you´re interested. Might get back to you if she needs or vic or if she should decide to abandon me, and if you´re an a skilful brit-picker, though, thanks!
Take care!
Ah, you caught me being American. ^_^ I usually use "dialogue" actually, but my spell-checker keeps correcting it to "dialog". (It's set to American English)
Ok, cool. I'm not a terrific brit-picker (as I'm not exactly a Brit), but I have read a lot of brit-picking guides!
Can't wait to read that one-shot! Will you post it in a community, or just in your journal? If it's just in your journal, do you mind if I friend you?
Actually, I´ve posted the one-shot (24/7) already, before my beta came along. Just enter my memories section, click on "Hermione Granger/Daphne Greengrass or "fanfiction" and you´ll get to it:D
I will however change that version to the beta-ed version when it arrives. But if you can´t wait-why not go ahead? I haven´t got any feedback for that one yet, (maybe the slight, but non-graphic bdsm theme scare people off) and would off course love some (me?hinting?I´d never!;)
And I´m working on ANOTHER (my muse is back with a vengeance-hooray!) one-shot, my very first attempt at writing smut. That one doesn´t feature Hermione, but hopefully you´ll like it anyway;)
I always pimp my stories where ever I see fit (hp_girlslash for example) but friends are always welcome so just go ahead, I´ll friend you too:D
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