Covalence (Epilogue)

Oct 19, 2010 01:57

They’re in a meeting when they discover it, playing footsy beneath the conference table, which is difficult to do, actually, while wearing standard issue combat boots.

But they’re pretty talented.

John isn’t paying attention to Landry, which is pretty par for the course, in Cam’s defense at least, he is mostly attempting to look like he is.

Which is hard, what with John’s ankle wrapped around his own and thoughts of disused storage closets in his head, but it’s really only when other things grow hard that it really takes a turn for the interesting.

His dick is heavy in his BDUs, persistent throbbing that has him shifting uncomfortably, and he avoids, avoids, avoids Sam’s curious look because he knows she can tell what’s wrong, sees her eyes dart quickly beneath the table to where John’s foot is pressed against his own on the opposite side. She reprimands him without saying a word and turns back to Landry, her eyes a little wider than they should be.

Cam flushes and catches John’s heavy lidded gaze, which, Cam thinks should be a dead give away to what’s happening, but John looks like the center fold for a dirty magazine about 98% of the time, so mostly he think no one will notice.

John is all but leering and he feels a sharp jab to his calf that isn’t Cam’s and glances over to Rodney who is looking at him horrified.

So subtlety was never a strength. Landry continues to notice nothing though, perusing the folders in front of him and going over…mission reports? John’s not sure, because he can see Cam’s neck is turning red. His wrist tingles suddenly and he slides his wrist cuff off and looks down at the tattoo, it seems…lighter, than normal. It hasn’t changed color since the device deactivated, and John’s almost forgotten all about it.

He presses a finger to it lightly, rubbing softly to alleviate the tingle, but it just makes it worse and it grows warm beneath his thumb, and he rubs a little harder and Cam sits up straight in his chair and makes a noise.

John drops his hand away, startled.

“Problem Colonel?” Landry asks.

“No sir, just…approving,” he lies, poorly. Landry stares at him for a few seconds and decides not to ask before continuing. Cam looks over at him, his eyes wide. John gives a little shrug.

Cam’s wrist is warm where the thin lines of ink are etched into his skin, and he looks down at the tattoo and presses his thumb to it, rubbing over it slightly, interested. Across the table John squirms in his seat before slouching further down.

Cam rubs a little more deliberately, his head cocked to the side and notices John’s eyes slip closed slightly before opening with a snap.

John stares at Cam over the top of the table, and they drop their arms in their laps and furiously rub at their wrists.

Cam’s legs drop open of his own accord, and Sheppard’s face grows increasingly flushed. Sam is staring at them with a mix of fear and curiosity. Vala is looking back and forth between them, peering over the edge of the table to watch, checking her pockets for the cell phone she left in her locker, Lorne obliges by handing over his own, Daniel is staring pointedly at Landry, using all of his concentration to ignore the two. Rodney looks a little pale, staring around at everyone in complete and utter disbelief. And Teal’c…well Teal’c pretty much looks like Teal’c.

John’s poised on the edge, rubbing over his wrist with one hand and trying desperately not to shove his other down the front of his BDUs, which he thinks might be a little too lacking in subtlety. John gives one last swipe before Cam kicks him beneath the table, his leg twitching slightly and John follows, nearly biting through his lip in an attempt not to draw unwanted attention to himself.

“Ah,” Cam lets out in discomfort, twitching in his seat and kicking John to get him to stop rubbing at his wrist.

“Hmm,” John notes.

They stare at each other for a pause, in sated bliss before catching everyone’s gaze. They shoot a cautious glance to Landry who is looking at them all.

“So Colonel Carter is staying on Atlantis to continue her work as a scientist, Mitchell is the new expedition leader, Sheppard, the new military commander, and Lorne is staying on Earth as the new leader of SG-1. Any questions?” He asks. “Good. Dismissed.”

Landry watches them all go, Mitchell and Sheppard walking a little uncomfortably, Vala happily bouncing between the two. McKay and Jackson practically running, Sam and Lorne sniggering behind them with Teal’c heading up the rear.

“God help us all,” Landry sighs, burying a face in a palm.

Ch 10: Synthesis


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