Dear HotTopic consumer, The items that you are currently thinking about purchasing is fake. Overpriced, cookie-cutter crap. By wearing and/or purchasing this crap, you are fitting in to the typical baggy-pants ?rebellious? teenager. But what are you rebelling against if you are exactly the same? You are conforming! You are fitting in! Get some individuality! You kids think rock is about the clothes? Well real rock was never about the ?style? it was about the attitude, about having a chance to speak out. And it?s not about being a depressed ?punk/goth? mannaquins, so take off the poorly drawn eye shadow and make your own style. Be original, be yourself! Have you ever heard of a thing called DIY? Yeah instead of buying pre-zippered pants, and Pre-made bumflaps, make them yourself! maybe you can actually gain some individuality you sheep!
Lovingly: A real non-conformist
~~~~~~~~~ i thought that if parents are going to read it, they will be more serious about it, if it was without cuss words. (Not that i ever respect parents, and always have bad luck with them, lol, but still).
The items that you are currently thinking about purchasing is fake. Overpriced, cookie-cutter crap. By wearing and/or purchasing this crap, you are fitting in to the typical baggy-pants ?rebellious? teenager. But what are you rebelling against if you are exactly the same? You are conforming! You are fitting in! Get some individuality! You kids think rock is about the clothes? Well real rock was never about the ?style? it was about the attitude, about having a chance to speak out. And it?s not about being a depressed ?punk/goth? mannaquins, so take off the poorly drawn eye shadow and make your own style. Be original, be yourself! Have you ever heard of a thing called DIY? Yeah instead of buying pre-zippered pants, and Pre-made bumflaps, make them yourself! maybe you can actually gain some individuality you sheep!
A real non-conformist
i thought that if parents are going to read it, they will be more serious about it, if it was without cuss words. (Not that i ever respect parents, and always have bad luck with them, lol, but still).
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