secretline :D:D *blush blush* i'm shy lah...
LEECHIU yes i miss you too! how could anyone forget your 16th birthday cake from yunjie and i? ;) watermelon, watermelon...... let's have another one this year okay=p we shall meet for lunch soon. call everyone up! xD
omg i'm so bloody mad at myself this morning. had i left my house one minute earlier i would not have been late. URGH. my third time today so i might be down for sss. we will see. TSK.
assembly is seriously a waste of time. talk about nothingness and what not. BLAH purely a waste of time i tell you. mrs naidu announced that 2o6 out of 66o people gave their names from prom, innova jc's pioneer prom at sheraton towers. how pathetic please. perhaps the cost is slightly too much but if it's for a 4-star hotel i think it's kinda worth it despite its ulu location. what the hell, i heard that it's next to newton mrt station. so not happening please. hopefully the response will be much better. if they ever organise our prom at a country club, i'll never ever turn up. not even to catch a glimpse of my eyecandy.
gab doodled a super hilarious comic strip about my eyecandy today. HAHAHAHA what tornado, cross country champion and his medal. nonsense please. that elicited laughter from vern audrey and liying. tsktsk super cuckoo. passed sweets around to keep ourselves awake. /YAWN gosh the next gp topic is some cultural stuff. how boring please.
stayed for math till 6.4opm. we did block test corrections. hahahaha finally finally integration makes sense to me. anyway it was quite constructive as doubts were cleared. dined at macs with the dahhlings- chanel gabrielle & liying. bitched/laughed/ate. we got laughed at by someone! just because i insisted that the four of us speak in mandarin for the rest of the night. they sounded so unnatural that in the end all switched back to 'normal' mode, a mixture of english and mandarin. the guy at the next table was trying not to laugh but i saw his mouth twitched! ahhhhh so embarrassing. i was hoping that the ground would open and swallow me up please. so throw face!
HAHAHA chanel just got something against our common dislike#1 lah hahaha. gab liying and i burst out laughing after she declared that the fault lies in common dislike#1. we are just subjective in nature i guess. I DISLIKE THE GIRLS FROM THAT CLASS. they ought to have their brains fried and heads flushed down the toilet bowl. how perfect the world would be, without such negative externalities. yes those irritating ladies who irritate the hell out of me, like the way laxatives work. i so bloody dislike their air of indifferent and their particular streak of selfishness. how could anyone be so self-centered and not give two hoots about their FRIENDS. so everything just revolves around their boyfriends. screw them i say.
no wonder i say my class o5A22 is the cutest class ever :) name-calling*cough*magnificent art-pieces- kindly contributed by gabrielle, obvious scouting for eyecandies, camwhoring, dirty/racist jokes- yes there lies an undercurrent of racism below the racial integration facade. i so love the class clique xD school would be darn boring without them.
dropped by cheryl's place to pass her the assignments. she was kinda shocked to see me appear i guess since it was somewhere around 9pm. stupid 961 took eons to arrive. i'm glad that i did not succumb to the temptation of cabbing home since the bus arrived later. i boarded it slightly past 1opm please. so we were at the bus stop for almost an hour and only one 961 cruised past. TSKTSK.
she scraped through 6 years of netball without any scars or bruises yet few months of hockey resulted in scratches, dull aches at various parts of her body, bruises and bloody injuries. how violent eh. hockey leaves a lot to be desired. good riddance to hockey i say. the best decision i ever made was to bid farewell to that sport. words would never be enough to elucidate my inherent animosity towards it. so there.
i am officially super shagged.
i need to rant about something else but i guess that's enough for now. it is not quite possible to give names as that would be deemed as slander or something so i shall seek other outlets of venting. fuck the people who contribute to the ruin of tranquility of life. let them dance around the edges and cut themselves, bleeding profusely without any means of rectifying the situation. the day they are roused from their deep slumber is the day where their hearts would be brimming with heartache and regrets. am i making any sense?
/YAWN the babe needs to sleep.
shite there'a make-up PE tomorrow morning at 7am. i better be on time or else mr chen would prolly barbecue me alive or something.
so much to do and so little time! i will finish it :D