So this week has been trying to say the least. My Sheldon flu has invaded pretty much every aspect of my life: food tastes rubbish, I have been in a bad mood, I have done no exercise in the vain hope that 'rest' would cure me. But no, it didn't. Stupid wives tales. When I went back to school on Thursday, I had a parents evening (at least year 7 are adorable so I was ok there.) An obnoxious year 8 told me (not as a joke) that my sore throat made me sound like a man. When I told him that was quite rude, he smirked and said 'I know' and then proceeded to yell 'boogie' throughout the lesson when other students were trying to read. When I told him to be quiet, he called me a boogie, then got up and snapped the pens of two girls behind him, who were actually behaving well. Then I punched him in the face. I wish I had punched him in the face. Little arse. Anyway, yesterday I just refused to even admit him into the room, saying that actually his behaviour was unacceptable. He didn't actually care. but the rest of the class seemed happier without him there and we had a nice reading lesson-which is a miracle with 8D2.
So after all that stress, I decided to hang being restful, and went to Derby practice. It was SO MUCH BETTER than last week. I didn't want to go this morning, because thinking about last week depressed me, but it was far more structured today so I got a good skate in and tuned up some of the skills I'll need to pass basics. I'm hoping if I ask nicely, I'll be able to take a test by the end of March. I practiced T-Stops, Plough Stops, Gliding, Stance, Cross Overs, Knee downs and a bit of jumping. I'm really focusing on being able to do everything on both feet. I know that's not a requirement, but I like to cover my bases. I'm hoping to go again Monday night, and just carry on practicing, practicing, practicing. The only thing that scares me, is the speed test. I really don't know that I'll be able to do it.
I'm glad I'm getting back into Roller Derby. It keeps me out of my head. Seeing as I am now one of only TWO single people in my department (of 20 teachers!), and most of my old friends from school are now married, engaged or in a couple and AF has NBF, I'm glad to be around a group of women, that aren't all in a relationship. I mean, I'm lucky with AF, she hasn't morphed into one of those girlfriends/ significant others that bring their partners into every conversation, but it still makes me think. I'm not sure why. I've always been dead against being married. My parents divorced and it worked fine for them. I'd be ok in a long term relationship, but to marry...nahnahnah. And I'm not so keen on kids. And yet, if I say this to people, they always give me this knowing smile, like I'm some sort of toddler and tell me how I'll change my mind. Screw you smug people! Yeah, I do think how nice it would be to have kids sometimes. Then I remember 8D2 and the classes I teach and the way some of the kids talk to their parents at parents evening, and I think, screw that! I'm going to have cats instead....mwahahaha. It just annoys me when people think they know your mind better than you do. Telling someone who has never had a really serious interest in having a family, beyond looking at fat kids and thinking even I could do a better job of raising your child then that, that somehow they'll just want to pop out a sprog, is like telling someone who is gay that they'll grow out of it. Shut your face!
Confusingly though, the idea of adoption really appeals to me. I like the idea of having a child who isn't in a wonderful place, who has had a tough start in life and perhaps making it better for them. Perhaps I am a bit of an idealist in that sense. Maybe I do have some nurturing tendencies in me somewhere, but they are outweighed by my vanity and the fact I don't want to be pregnant, give birth or have stretch marks! Or, maybe I'm insane.
Btw, I'm sorry to all you people who have kids; I don't mean to offend at all. I know people who have children are very happy and that you wouldn't change it for the world. And I'm happy for you. Just don't comment on this blog saying I may change my mind