When tempted by chocolate, eat peanut butter.

Jan 02, 2012 17:43


I'm using a wonderful site called http://www.sparkpeople.com to help track my food and exercise and make sure that I stay on task for my weight/body image/fitness related goals. I can't recommend it enough. If you stick to it, it works. It's free, easy, uncomplicated, no faddy diets, no gimmicks, just awesome. Go there.

I don't get commission.

ANYWAY, that's not the point.

So I was tracking the calories I ate today, feeling pretty good about myself and all, when my flatmate texted me to say oh and by the way, do help yourself to the chocolate fudge yule log sat in the fridge.

WHAAA? When I thought that dam thing wasn't allowed, I didn't want it at all, and now I've been given permission, it's all I can think about! So obviously I had to go on an eat offensive. I googled around, and found this list:

[ ] Call or e-mail a supportive friend.
[x] Go to the gym or for a jog.
[x] Enjoy a long bath or shower.
[x] Chew some sugarless gum or brush your teeth
[ ] Put a puzzle together.
[ ] Play a game with your spouse, children or pet.
[x] Tackle a household chore.
[x] Go for a walk.
[x] Do something you enjoy like knitting to keeps your hands busy.
[x] Experiment with putting your makeup on in a different way.
[ ] Make a grocery list of healthy foods for the coming week.
[ ] Walk out of the kitchen and give yourself a pat on the back.
[x] Reorganize a closet or junk drawer.
[ ] Work in your garden, or start an herb garden in your kitchen.
[ ] Do the laundry.
[x] Write in your diary about what you are feeling.
[ ] Turn on some music and dance.
[x] Read a good book or magazine.
[ ] Take a 15-minute nap.
[x] Drink a glass of water or other non-caloric beverage.
[ ] Work out with an exercise video.
[ ] Study a foreign language from sources you Google on the web.
[x] Apply a facial mask.
[x] Do a crossword or Sudoku puzzle.
[ ] Go on-line to find inspirational quotes to keep you motivated.
[ ] Find a saying to repeat when you feel like eating.
[ ] Make a chart and give yourself a star for not eating

The ones with a X, yeah I did those. Which is why I'm sat here with: A 98% finished cross stitch that needs outlining, a ruined Sudoku book (WHAT THE HELL-IF IT'S ONLY COUNTING WHY IS IT SO HARD), My Nintendo DS (Sorry Professor Layton, I don't care how long it would take the germs to fill the jar. Actually, 0 seconds, I'm throwing in some detol), A pile of freshly ironed shirts, and a face with what are suppose to be Smokey eyes, but resemble pandas circles.

Worryingly, I recognised this list from a pro anorexia site I use to frequent whilst I was at university. The insprational quotes thing in particular (nothing tastes as good as thin feels, what nourishes me destroys me) stunk of pro starvation, anti life. Of course this isn't what these people intend, but I can see where the pro ana sites get their ideas from. Those sites scare me. I'm not saying they caused me to starve myself, but they made it seem ok.

But that's not a story for now.

To combat these feelings of fear and anti anorexia, I decided to make Vegan Peanut Butter cookies. Oh my days. One of those beauties contain less kcals then HALF a serving of the log. It curbed the old sugar craving. So there you go-chocolate can be defeated by peanut butter.

Oh, one last thing. I started a virtual challenge! I'm running the Oregan trail (!) 2000 miles. Not all at once you understand, but I'm aiming to finish it asap. So, I'm 3.5 miles in which leaves me....1996.5 miles to run 0_o

GODDAMMIT,I want the log! T_T Sigh. Maybe I'll go curl my hair. Then I can look like an eighties panda!

temptation, chocolate, virtual run, sparkpeople

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