Apr 08, 2006 23:31
"Delegation is something managers need to learn in order to reduce their workloads and develop their lower level employee's skillbase."
Personally I have learnt a lot by being handed down interesting pieces of work and more responsibilty, however as always there is a flipside.
Indeed delegation can be the worst enemy of a lower level employee. I was recently swimming through a pile of work, the type of pile that is destroying entire rainforests and making homeless rare animal species due to the amount of paper involved. I made the mistake of leaving the office and going to a meeting. During this period a logistics manager decided that he didnt have a clue how to put out a tender regarding volumes of shipping products which he'd had for 2 weeks to complete. Using his logistical skills to hide his incompetence, he fired this problem across the company to my department, which filtered though many levels of lazyness/incompetence managerialness, until appearing on my desk with a note saying "please can you complete this, its due today". This is one of the reasons im in on saturday night doing my coursework, as i had to stay late every night to ensure my managers can go home on time and jobs safe.